Friday, October 20, 2006

World Series Tickets

I think that MLB needs to investigate why it is that people can sell tickets online for a lot more then they are worth. I am a very devoted Cardinals fan and I think it is OUTRAGEOUS that the MLB doesn't do anything about it. There is a law in Missouri that you can not sell a ticket for more then it's face value but people do it every day! I mean there are loop holes like you are buying this baseball card but I will throw in the tickets with it and if you bid more then the tickets are worth I am gonna give you a baseball hat. This TOTALLY pisses me off! I mean $335 for a SRO ticket? and $500 a seat for nose bleed tickets Come on.... I even went so far as to E mail one of the ticket hoarders online this E mail:

I hope you know that it is against the law in Missouri to sell a ticket for more then it's face value and I am sure all of you tickets are marked WAY up because you money grubbing jerks want all the cash you can get from a devoted fan. Well you are not getting it from me buddy! I hope that none of your tickets sell and that you get stuck with the bill.

Cody Alldredge

So I guess I will be sitting at home watching the game. *SIGH*

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