Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Friday, December 14, 2007
Friday, December 07, 2007
NO LUV from Southwest Airlines

I know it has been a while since I have post anything but I have to post about my recent trip from St Louis (STL) to Baltiomre (BWI) and then on to Manchester, NH (MHT). It was 68 degrees when I left St Louis on Sunday the 2nd of December so instead of carrying my jackets onto the flight I check both of them in my luggage. While at Lambert International Airport in St Louis I had checked in and gotten my things together after having TSA go through everything. I sat down at my gate and noticed that there were some dark clouds rolling in and I had heard that there were going to be some rain in the area in the afternoon. Well after about 30 minutes of dark clouds coming right at the airport it poured down rain for a good 20 minutes. Not really thinking of it I got on my flight and then flew to Baltimore had a lay over and then boarded my flight there and made to Manchester, NH where it was snowing and 24 degrees outside. After getting my rental car and then waiting on my luggage to come out I opened my luggage and guess what? My jackets were soaked and so was most of my clothes in my luggage. Needless to say I was a little pissed about this seeing as it was cold as hell out and both of my jackets were soaked. So I go tot he baggage claim office where a customer service rep was and I showed her my jacket and coat and then showed here the other piece of luggage I that was water logged. She called a supervisor and he told her on the phone that all Southwest was willing to do was pay for any dry cleaning and if there was any damage from colors bleeding from one piece of clothing to another. I was like well that doesn't help my issue any because I had no coat and it was 24 degrees outside. So needless to say I am not too happy with Southwest right now because they didn't show me any luv that is for sure.
Monday, November 12, 2007
The St Louis Ram WON?

Did the Rams actually win a game? After going 0-8 for the season the Rams finally won a game aganist the New Orleans Saint's yesterday after coming off of a bye week. I was in shock because all year our team has SUCKED ASS! Way to go and finally win a game! Now that we won one the question will be are we going to win any more?
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Suck It Westboro Baptist Church!!
That's right you heard it from me.
PA man awarded nearly $11 million in compensatory and punitive damages!!
Should have been $11 TRILLION.
Lots of you have asked why I posted this....Here is why...
I have to tell you that I personally have dealt with the Westboro nut jobs because a close friend of mine who was in the marines and died in Iraq was picketed by these hatemongers. The intent to inflict emotional distress on my friends family was they(WBC) called my friends mother and asked if they could speak to my friend who had died in Iraq. They called about 20 times over and over and then called and said they would be picketing the evil and vial marines funeral because god is cursing this nation because of our accpetance of homosexuals. So I guess really if they did the same thing to Albert Snyder as they did to my friends mom then it could be considered intent to inflict emotional distress on a individual because they are wanting to cause pain and inflict emotional pain on to a person. I think that they love all the media attention because these people are more then just Media WHORES who like to get their faces out on the TV so they can get their message of hate out. I think that we all should just ignore these dumb asses and move on with our lives. They will get what they have coming to them.
PA man awarded nearly $11 million in compensatory and punitive damages!!
Should have been $11 TRILLION.
Lots of you have asked why I posted this....Here is why...
I have to tell you that I personally have dealt with the Westboro nut jobs because a close friend of mine who was in the marines and died in Iraq was picketed by these hatemongers. The intent to inflict emotional distress on my friends family was they(WBC) called my friends mother and asked if they could speak to my friend who had died in Iraq. They called about 20 times over and over and then called and said they would be picketing the evil and vial marines funeral because god is cursing this nation because of our accpetance of homosexuals. So I guess really if they did the same thing to Albert Snyder as they did to my friends mom then it could be considered intent to inflict emotional distress on a individual because they are wanting to cause pain and inflict emotional pain on to a person. I think that they love all the media attention because these people are more then just Media WHORES who like to get their faces out on the TV so they can get their message of hate out. I think that we all should just ignore these dumb asses and move on with our lives. They will get what they have coming to them.
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
HOT BEAR had sex with Larry Criag!!
One word.

All I can say is I would have sex with him too!
Very hot man! :-)
David...Call Me!!!
You can read about David's Sexual Encounter with Larry Craig on Wonkette's Blog

All I can say is I would have sex with him too!
Very hot man! :-)
David...Call Me!!!
You can read about David's Sexual Encounter with Larry Craig on Wonkette's Blog
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Rocktober at Coors Field

I want to congratulate the Colorado Rockies Baseball team on a great National League Division Series win and now the National League Championship Series Pennant Champions! For the first time since the Rockies joined Major League Baseball in 1993 they are the National League Championship Series winners and are heading for the World Series. They became the second team in history to win its first seven postseason games, joining the 1976 Cincinnati Reds, which won three straight in the NLCS and swept the World Series that year.
Also I want to congradulate Matt Holliday for his great work in becoming the NLCS MVP.

Oh by the way I have to include a picture of Todd Helton.
He is so easy on the eyes! WOOF!

Friday, October 05, 2007
Chicago Cubs not the best liked fans in baseball....

Well it is funny how you notice things about certain baseball teams when they are your rivals but when it comes to Chicago even the White Sox fans hate the Chicago Cubs Fans along with all the others in the MLB because they are so arrogant not only at their own beloved Wrigley Field but when they go out of town to other stadiums.
Here are a few rants and raves I pulled off of Craigs list.
Number 1:
Date: 2007-10-05, 8:22AM CDT
Loved watching that Cub pitcher throwing his glove down on the mound!!!
Need anything else be said???
Number 2:
Date: 2007-10-05, 8:53AM CDT
I didn't realize they had a "goat check" available there!

Number 3:
Date: 2007-10-05, 10:30AM CDT
Nice try. Wait until next years payroll figures.
Soriano (136 million), Ramirez (75 million), Derosa (13 million), Marquis (21 million), and Lilly (40 million).
All told the Cubs spent $297.5 MILLION DOLLARS THIS YEAR!!!!
$297.5 million dollars spent this year for that piece of shit on the field?!!!
Number 4:
Date: 2007-10-05, 9:00AM CDT
We just hate their stupid fans!!!
Cub fans are some of the most annoying asswipes in sports! Here's a tip for you dumbasses! When you go to watch the Cubs at an opposing teams ballpark, BE RESPECTFUL! Don't call it Wrigley Field West, South, East, or North! THAT'S FUCKING BUSH LEAGUE!!!!
That's why the fucking Marlins, who had nothing to play for, beat the forever living shit out of your team! Booing the fucking home team and refs for calls that didn't go your way like you're fucking entitled! Bunch of spoiled fucking North Shore cunts! You retards started shit in the stands and the 5,000 Marlin fans kicked your asses all the way back to Shitcago! It's one thing to do it during the crosstown classic, but at every fucking stadium is classless!
Just like a couple of years ago when you dumbasses tried to pull that shit in Yankee Stadium and got your asses handed to you! The Cubs hadn't been to the Bronx in 67 fucking years and you fucktards act like that?!!! Learn about the history of the game and be respectful of it and stop being tools!
That dumbass Cub Fan waving a fucking flashing neon Cub sign when the opposing pitcher is on the mound IN THEIR STADIUM is a prime example of why people hate your fucking guts! Cub Fans are the most classless, self-entitled, pieces of shit in sports!
Wow..talk about some hate there....
Well I think it is just fair that I get a few licks in as I remember last year the Cubs posting alot of comments like the above ones on the St Louis Craig's List during the play off. Saying we are gonna choke and not win....Oh sorry in case you haven't gotten the memo yet the Cardinals won the World Series last year. Well Cubs I think that you are the most hated fans in baseball. I love it here in the city of baseball heaven.
Oh by the way GO ROCKIES!!!

Wednesday, October 03, 2007
Las Vegas
Monday, October 01, 2007
SNL Pokes fun at President of Iran.....Too funny!!!
This is one of the funniest videos I have seen in a along time.
Iran President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad gets it from Andy Samberg Fred Armisen and Maroon 5's Adam Levine. I love you Saturday Night Live!!!
Iran President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad gets it from Andy Samberg Fred Armisen and Maroon 5's Adam Levine. I love you Saturday Night Live!!!
Monday, September 24, 2007
Fox needs to work on it's censoring!!!
You all may have recalled where Sally Field was censored on the Emmys for her GODDAMN remark about the war and our troops. Here is the clip that was censored.
Well it was to my amazment yesterday that Fox let the word "FUCK" get out on the airwaves during the Washington Redskins and New York Giants during the 4th Quarter. It was the Washington Redskins center #61 Casey Rabach.

The exact quote was "Are you Fucking kidding me?" Well Fox I Think you need to work on that censorship button that you use.
Well it was to my amazment yesterday that Fox let the word "FUCK" get out on the airwaves during the Washington Redskins and New York Giants during the 4th Quarter. It was the Washington Redskins center #61 Casey Rabach.

The exact quote was "Are you Fucking kidding me?" Well Fox I Think you need to work on that censorship button that you use.
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Mike Lupica At the New York Daily News is a JACKASS!!!!

Thanks Mike Lupica from the New York Daily News for putting a cloud over Rick Ankiel's come back to the Major League. Why did you wait 3 weeks after he had already came back to the big leagues to release your "report" actually I am gonna use Sen Craig's word "Witch hunt" for someone who plays for my team the Saint Louis Cardinals? Is it because you sorry ass New Yorker's have nothing better to do then to talk up your wonderful Mets and Yankees? How pathetic is it that you pay a washed up looser ass pitcher Mr Roger Clemons money to come back and play for your beloved Yankees because you think he can take you to the play offs again. I can't wait to laugh when again you get knocked out of the running for the World Series this year. Oh and by the way Beltran is still standing at the dish at Shea Stadium waiting for a pitch from Wainwright. You think for one minute that you and your New York Daily News is gonna tarnish the light that has come to our beloved Carndinals? You Mr Lupica have another thing coming. I have waited to comment on this because when I first heard about this I was outraged and sick to my stomach and trust me you didn't want me writing when I was in that position because you would hate all the cuss words I used. I think that because someone is giving a drug by his doctor is more then enough reason for him to take what was prescribed to him. So why is it that the media loves to get into someone's personal life and try to destroy his coming back? So from the Baseball Heaven I say to you Mr Lupica why don't you looking into your own 2 teams before coming after my red birds. If you would like to write Mr Lupica you can at the following address mike@lupica.com because god knows I did.
New York Daily News,
Rick Ankiel
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Senator Larry E. Craig BUSTED!!!
Senator Larry E. Craig of Idaho really is a HO!!!
He got busted in June in a airport bathroom trying to pick up a undercover cop.
This is one of the same senators that votes down Same Sex Marriage because of "FAMILY VALUES." Well here is a family value for you Senator Craig. YOUR A HYPOCRITE!!! I think it is funny that Mr. Craig, who is married and has three children, publicly rejected accusations by a gay rights activist last year that he had engaged in homosexual conduct. He called the accusations “completely ridiculous.” I say to you Mr Craig "COME OUT OF THE CLOSET!!!"
I am not gay and I have never been gay! PLEASE!! Fess up!!
You are closeted and you just need to admit it.
Here is the Arresting Report on Smoking Gun.
Craig's 1982 denial of having had sex with male minor Capitol Hill pages. It's kind of amazing that it took 25 years for Craig to get busted. I love in that in this CNN statement that the Senator from Ida"HO" in which Senator Criag had several people trying to ask him questions at the end of his statement and how he clings to his wife so that it may pass him off as being straight. A few questions people were yelling were "Senator What really happened in Minneapolis?", What if you were gay?", "Come out of the closet!"
Another Update....
I just went to the Senators Website and posted a E mail message to him.
Here is a copy of it and if you like you too can visit the Senators Website and do the same.
to: US Senator Larry Craig
from: Mr. Cody Alldredge (STLCowboy@gmail.com)
sent: {ts '2007-08-29 14:24:47'}
subject: Family -
Senator Craig, True or not true that you voted down Same Sex Marriage because of you "FAMILY VALUE BELIEVES?" Then why is it that you were caught in a public bathroom trying to pick up a undercover cop? I think this a slap in the face to us in the homosexual community that you think it is because your a Senator and that you can do what you want and then appoligze for doing it if you get caught. Why don't you just come out of the closet or admit that your a bisexual man? I think you as a Senator of a state need to not hide behind what you are being told is right but STAND UP for who you are! Don't be scared because I have been there before myself. Thank you for your time, Cody Alldredge
Thanks to Pam at Pam's House of blend for posting this on her website for Michelangelo of Sirius Satelite OutQ 109. Listen to what Senator Craig should have said on her blog.
Pam and Mike you now owe me a new laptop because when I heard this I spit my water all over my screen and keyboard!
He got busted in June in a airport bathroom trying to pick up a undercover cop.
This is one of the same senators that votes down Same Sex Marriage because of "FAMILY VALUES." Well here is a family value for you Senator Craig. YOUR A HYPOCRITE!!! I think it is funny that Mr. Craig, who is married and has three children, publicly rejected accusations by a gay rights activist last year that he had engaged in homosexual conduct. He called the accusations “completely ridiculous.” I say to you Mr Craig "COME OUT OF THE CLOSET!!!"
I am not gay and I have never been gay! PLEASE!! Fess up!!
You are closeted and you just need to admit it.
Here is the Arresting Report on Smoking Gun.
Craig's 1982 denial of having had sex with male minor Capitol Hill pages. It's kind of amazing that it took 25 years for Craig to get busted. I love in that in this CNN statement that the Senator from Ida"HO" in which Senator Criag had several people trying to ask him questions at the end of his statement and how he clings to his wife so that it may pass him off as being straight. A few questions people were yelling were "Senator What really happened in Minneapolis?", What if you were gay?", "Come out of the closet!"
Another Update....
I just went to the Senators Website and posted a E mail message to him.
Here is a copy of it and if you like you too can visit the Senators Website and do the same.
to: US Senator Larry Craig
from: Mr. Cody Alldredge (STLCowboy@gmail.com)
sent: {ts '2007-08-29 14:24:47'}
subject: Family -
Senator Craig, True or not true that you voted down Same Sex Marriage because of you "FAMILY VALUE BELIEVES?" Then why is it that you were caught in a public bathroom trying to pick up a undercover cop? I think this a slap in the face to us in the homosexual community that you think it is because your a Senator and that you can do what you want and then appoligze for doing it if you get caught. Why don't you just come out of the closet or admit that your a bisexual man? I think you as a Senator of a state need to not hide behind what you are being told is right but STAND UP for who you are! Don't be scared because I have been there before myself. Thank you for your time, Cody Alldredge
Thanks to Pam at Pam's House of blend for posting this on her website for Michelangelo of Sirius Satelite OutQ 109. Listen to what Senator Craig should have said on her blog.
Pam and Mike you now owe me a new laptop because when I heard this I spit my water all over my screen and keyboard!
Monday, August 20, 2007
Friday, August 10, 2007
Yankees Fans Are Not The Friendliest!!!
As you can see by this video the New York Yankees Fans are not very friendly.
This all happened in the bleacher section of the baseball stadium. I know this for a fact because I myself was there on 04/18/07 and got yelled at by several of the so called best fans in baseball saying to me "St Louis Cardinals SUCKS." I was there to watch the game and support their team and I get treated this way? I can see now why the whole bleacher section is NON-ALCOHOL!! I also remember seeing two people walk into the bleachers section and all the people pointing their finger at them and yelling "ASSHOLE" as well as two Cleveland Indians fans. I think I really appreciate the fact that the city I live is is Baseball Heaven because we do not treat any fans from other teams the way that the Yankee fans treat others. I really feel that the New York fans love taunting other people because they don't "fit" in to what the Yankees are about. If after watching this video you feel you need to voice your opinion as I did. Please write to the Yankees @ fanfeedback@yankees.mlb.com
This all happened in the bleacher section of the baseball stadium. I know this for a fact because I myself was there on 04/18/07 and got yelled at by several of the so called best fans in baseball saying to me "St Louis Cardinals SUCKS." I was there to watch the game and support their team and I get treated this way? I can see now why the whole bleacher section is NON-ALCOHOL!! I also remember seeing two people walk into the bleachers section and all the people pointing their finger at them and yelling "ASSHOLE" as well as two Cleveland Indians fans. I think I really appreciate the fact that the city I live is is Baseball Heaven because we do not treat any fans from other teams the way that the Yankee fans treat others. I really feel that the New York fans love taunting other people because they don't "fit" in to what the Yankees are about. If after watching this video you feel you need to voice your opinion as I did. Please write to the Yankees @ fanfeedback@yankees.mlb.com
Thursday, August 09, 2007
I love Kathy Griffin!!!!
I love it that Kathy Griffin hits on Anderson Cooper and he don't know what to say he is speechless and Larry King is laughing so hard he has to whip his eyes.
Get off the cross and do the show Oprah!!
Okay I love you EVEN more now!!!
Yes Kathy the GAYS do love you!
Get off the cross and do the show Oprah!!
Okay I love you EVEN more now!!!
Yes Kathy the GAYS do love you!
Tuesday, August 07, 2007
Wow what can I say? I have loved Reba ever since I started listening to country music. Also it doesn't hurt that she is a Okie like myself. Recently I have been listening to this song over and over on my Sirius S10 Stiletto in my truck. I remember when Kelly released it and I liked it and now I love it so much more. YOU GO REBA!!
Here is a video with Kelly Clarkson - Because Of You
I also found this video of her doing a duet with Kelly.
Does He Love You
And here is one more... Doing Since You Been Gone With Kelly
You go REBA!!!
But I have say this is one of my favorite songs that Reba has done.
I love the way they start off with Julia from Designing Women and then goes to the Reba video. The first time I saw this video was at Hoedown's in Atlanta, GA.
Here is a video with Kelly Clarkson - Because Of You
I also found this video of her doing a duet with Kelly.
Does He Love You
And here is one more... Doing Since You Been Gone With Kelly
You go REBA!!!
But I have say this is one of my favorite songs that Reba has done.
I love the way they start off with Julia from Designing Women and then goes to the Reba video. The first time I saw this video was at Hoedown's in Atlanta, GA.
Thursday, August 02, 2007
Shame on you Adam McManus for saying bad things!!!
Well thanks Good As You for making my morning by putting me in a bad mood! I am so tired of the Christian/Right Wing community saying bad things about homosexuals. Case and point I was reading The Good as You blog and seen that Adam McManus said and I quote "I have no problem with the police chief being at the parade if his role was to arrest people for indecent exposure, which apparently goes on with great frequency at these homosexual pride parade events," ..."But he should never have accepted the invitation to serve as grand marshal, endorsing a behavior that is unnatural, unhealthy, and immoral." This is in response to the San Antonio Chief of Police being the grand marshall for this year Gay Pride Parade. So with that I wrote to Mr Adam McManus and gave him a piece of my mind just like I did to Fox News about getting the facts straight before you report on something.
Dear Adam,
You are quiet deranged in thinking that what was it that you said..Oh yeah here is what you said "I have no problem with the police chief being at the parade if his role was to arrest people for indecent exposure, which apparently goes on with great frequency at these homosexual pride parade events." So how is it that you know this is what goes on? Have you or anyone that you know of been and seen with your own eyes the "indecent exposure" of anyone at a gay pride parade? Well I am sure you were thinking of the Mardi Gras party in New Orleans where everyone woman with a set of fake boobs flashes them for what? A set of bead that are worth 10 cents? I think it is well enough time that you Christians face the fact that homosexuality is not unnatural, unhealthy, and immoral because god knows if I had a what you people call "choice" in what my sexuality would be I would chosen to be straight because God only knows growing up in a small town in the bible belt was hard enough on me. The thought that most Christians think that we choose to be gay is really a crock of crap! I have to tell you Adam you like other people need to make sure you get your story straight before you report on theses issues just like Fox did when they reported about 150 lesbian gangs in the DC area. Oh and just so you know there really aren't any that I know of. Well Adam I think I have taken up enough of your time and again look into your facts because God knows where liars go.
Cody Alldredge
Oh and if you would like to send little Adam a message here is his E mail or better yet call him.
Adam J. McManus
9601 McAllister Freeway
Suite 1200,
San Antonio, TX 78216
Phone: (210) 344-8481 ext. 132
e-mail: adam@takeastand.net
Dear Adam,
You are quiet deranged in thinking that what was it that you said..Oh yeah here is what you said "I have no problem with the police chief being at the parade if his role was to arrest people for indecent exposure, which apparently goes on with great frequency at these homosexual pride parade events." So how is it that you know this is what goes on? Have you or anyone that you know of been and seen with your own eyes the "indecent exposure" of anyone at a gay pride parade? Well I am sure you were thinking of the Mardi Gras party in New Orleans where everyone woman with a set of fake boobs flashes them for what? A set of bead that are worth 10 cents? I think it is well enough time that you Christians face the fact that homosexuality is not unnatural, unhealthy, and immoral because god knows if I had a what you people call "choice" in what my sexuality would be I would chosen to be straight because God only knows growing up in a small town in the bible belt was hard enough on me. The thought that most Christians think that we choose to be gay is really a crock of crap! I have to tell you Adam you like other people need to make sure you get your story straight before you report on theses issues just like Fox did when they reported about 150 lesbian gangs in the DC area. Oh and just so you know there really aren't any that I know of. Well Adam I think I have taken up enough of your time and again look into your facts because God knows where liars go.
Cody Alldredge
Oh and if you would like to send little Adam a message here is his E mail or better yet call him.
Adam J. McManus
9601 McAllister Freeway
Suite 1200,
San Antonio, TX 78216
Phone: (210) 344-8481 ext. 132
e-mail: adam@takeastand.net
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
City Of Heroes Issue 10 - Invasion!!!
Okay so I have to admit that I am a little bit of a gamer. I play City of Heroes and City of Villians or if you play both you can just say COX for short.
Here is a little background of the game from City Of Heroes website.
What is City of Heroes?
City of Heroes . City of Tomorrow . Since 1931, when a prodigal son returned with the powers of an ancient god and called himself Statesman, Paragon City has been the center of the super-powered hero universe. Through the efforts of Statesman and those who joined him in the war against tyranny and crime, Paragon City truly became a beacon and inspiration for heroes world-wide. A true city of heroes.
All that came to a disastrous halt on May 23, 2002 when aliens known as the Rikti invaded the earth and began their war of mass extermination. Every major city in the world was attacked, but none were more devastated than Paragon City . It was here that thousands of heroes and civilians made their last stand. It was on this ruined battlefield that legends died and were created. After months of desperate fighting and incredible sacrifice, the Rikti were stopped-though not entirely defeated. In the end, of all the great super-powered heroes who called Paragon City home, only eight survived. Total casualty figures remain unknown, though low estimates placed them in the tens of thousands.
In the aftermath of the war, Paragon City , like much of the cities of the world, lay in ruins. With most of the city's heroes dead or missing, crime and corruption seized the opportunity to fill the hero-less vacuum. Gangs of criminals-some reemerging from decades of hiding, many new and horrifying in their methods-began to take control of the city's war torn zones. Amidst this sudden influx of lawlessness, Statesman made a call to the world's surviving and newly found heroes: "Come to Paragon City 's aid!"
Paragon City . City of Tomorrow . City of Heroes . The world's last best hope of freedom and justice. Home to Statesman and the greatest heroes on earth. What true hero could resist?
The Super Powered Massively Multiplayer RPG
Welcome to City of Heroes, the online world that's home to an entire universe of heroes, where you and thousands of other players take on the roles of super powered heroes - in a stunning, 3D graphical world.
Friday, July 13, 2007
Mr President since 2003 you have said over and over and over that we are making progress in Iraq? Where is your proof? Can you show me or any of the other US people that there has been progress? Oh wait yes there is progress. Progress of sending more and more of our troops to fight a war that you started. A war that you said we had to fight because of WMD's (Weapons Of Mass Destruction). Mr President I am asking you to call off your endless war and stop holding the US hostage to YOUR policies and believes that this war can be won.
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Rod Wheeler Offers A Issiah Washington type apology!!!
This is a follow up on a past post here.
What I want to know is did he make this apology on Fox News as well or just on his website?? If you would like to tell Mr Wheeler your feelings here is here E mail address: Info@Rod007.com
From Wheeler's Website.........
Clarification and apology:
First of all, let me thank you for your feedback surrounding the O'Reilly Factor discussion on Lesbian Gangs. I received several e-mails from viewers, some positive and some negative, offering comments and constructive criticisms. Some of the e-mails I received were threatening and simply hostile. Click here for a sample e-mail I received from one viewer.
During the O’Reilly Factor segment on June 21st, while engaged in a discussion on Lesbian gangs, I inadvertently stated that gang members carry pistols that are painted pink and call themselves the "Pink Pistol Packing Group." I was not referring to the gay rights group "Pink Pistols" who advocates for the lawful rights of gays to carry weapons for protection. Further, I mentioned that there are "over 150 of these gangs" in the greater Washington DC area. What I actually meant is that there are over 150 gangs in the Washington DC area, some of which are in fact lesbian gangs. Lastly, I mentioned in the segment that there is this "national epidemic" of lesbian gangs. A better choice of words would have been to say that there is a growing concern nationally, and especially in major urban areas, of increased gang activity, which includes some lesbian gang activity.
I apologize for any misunderstanding this may have caused.
Rod Wheeler
Also it looks like someone didn't like what he said...here is a E mail he received after doing the Fox News Segment:
From: XXXXXXXXXX@aol.com
Date: Sat, Jul 07, 2007 1:11 pm
To: Rod@RodWheeler.com
Those of us in the gay community are totally sick of blacks like YOU attacking us with lies! Hundreds of "recruiting" lesbian gangs in DC? Yeah, sure. Apparently you've forgotten, "Thou shalt not bear false witness against your neighbor".
As a black man, look at YOUR community. You people should only WISH to have the community that gay men and women have! When gay people move into a neighborhood, the real estate values take off like crazy. When blacks move into a neighborhood, people can't get out fast enough because they know a massive crime wave is coming. Look what happened to Houston when they bussed a few hundred blacks out of New Orleans (you know, the ones who weren't smart enough to get out of the path of a hurricane?).
As for "criminal gangs", your community is filled with druggies, rapists, robbers, thieves and murderers. Your own people refer to their women as "bitches and ho's". The most popular term amongst your community is "muthuh fuckuh", usually mouthed while drunk on a bottle of Colt 45. Far from being hard workers, the only think you people know how to work is "the system". In Harlem, FIFTY PERCENT of blacks are on welfare! No gay guy in his right mind would EVER EVEN CONSIDER taking "welfare". We have too much respect for ourselves, and we don't loom to the government to give us a hand-out at every turn like you do.
You clog the prisons yet make excuses for your behaviors at every single turn. You pretend that you aren't in prison because you did the crime; nope, it's "racist cops" that are responsible. You can't even open successful businesses in HARLEM for goodness sakes! Your out-of-wedlock birth rate is staggering, and your children act like unrestrained zoo animals. It's all people can do to get you guys to speak proper English. Your community is riddled with HIV because you allowed the disease to infect your people because you lacked the courage to deal with your homophobia.
I live in Manhattan, but even the LIBERALS here can't stand you people. You walk around shitting on this city on a daily basis. In fact, everything black people touches turns to shit. So in the future, leave us gays alone. We're happy with what we have in life. Clean up your own backyard before you look at others. It was just a few years ago the black mayor of your own city was caught "crack smoking". Give it up, man. Look in the mirror before you decide to point a finger at the gay community!
Oh and here is a where they apologized for it and have someone from GLAAD.
What I want to know is did he make this apology on Fox News as well or just on his website?? If you would like to tell Mr Wheeler your feelings here is here E mail address: Info@Rod007.com
From Wheeler's Website.........
Clarification and apology:
First of all, let me thank you for your feedback surrounding the O'Reilly Factor discussion on Lesbian Gangs. I received several e-mails from viewers, some positive and some negative, offering comments and constructive criticisms. Some of the e-mails I received were threatening and simply hostile. Click here for a sample e-mail I received from one viewer.
During the O’Reilly Factor segment on June 21st, while engaged in a discussion on Lesbian gangs, I inadvertently stated that gang members carry pistols that are painted pink and call themselves the "Pink Pistol Packing Group." I was not referring to the gay rights group "Pink Pistols" who advocates for the lawful rights of gays to carry weapons for protection. Further, I mentioned that there are "over 150 of these gangs" in the greater Washington DC area. What I actually meant is that there are over 150 gangs in the Washington DC area, some of which are in fact lesbian gangs. Lastly, I mentioned in the segment that there is this "national epidemic" of lesbian gangs. A better choice of words would have been to say that there is a growing concern nationally, and especially in major urban areas, of increased gang activity, which includes some lesbian gang activity.
I apologize for any misunderstanding this may have caused.
Rod Wheeler
Also it looks like someone didn't like what he said...here is a E mail he received after doing the Fox News Segment:
From: XXXXXXXXXX@aol.com
Date: Sat, Jul 07, 2007 1:11 pm
To: Rod@RodWheeler.com
Those of us in the gay community are totally sick of blacks like YOU attacking us with lies! Hundreds of "recruiting" lesbian gangs in DC? Yeah, sure. Apparently you've forgotten, "Thou shalt not bear false witness against your neighbor".
As a black man, look at YOUR community. You people should only WISH to have the community that gay men and women have! When gay people move into a neighborhood, the real estate values take off like crazy. When blacks move into a neighborhood, people can't get out fast enough because they know a massive crime wave is coming. Look what happened to Houston when they bussed a few hundred blacks out of New Orleans (you know, the ones who weren't smart enough to get out of the path of a hurricane?).
As for "criminal gangs", your community is filled with druggies, rapists, robbers, thieves and murderers. Your own people refer to their women as "bitches and ho's". The most popular term amongst your community is "muthuh fuckuh", usually mouthed while drunk on a bottle of Colt 45. Far from being hard workers, the only think you people know how to work is "the system". In Harlem, FIFTY PERCENT of blacks are on welfare! No gay guy in his right mind would EVER EVEN CONSIDER taking "welfare". We have too much respect for ourselves, and we don't loom to the government to give us a hand-out at every turn like you do.
You clog the prisons yet make excuses for your behaviors at every single turn. You pretend that you aren't in prison because you did the crime; nope, it's "racist cops" that are responsible. You can't even open successful businesses in HARLEM for goodness sakes! Your out-of-wedlock birth rate is staggering, and your children act like unrestrained zoo animals. It's all people can do to get you guys to speak proper English. Your community is riddled with HIV because you allowed the disease to infect your people because you lacked the courage to deal with your homophobia.
I live in Manhattan, but even the LIBERALS here can't stand you people. You walk around shitting on this city on a daily basis. In fact, everything black people touches turns to shit. So in the future, leave us gays alone. We're happy with what we have in life. Clean up your own backyard before you look at others. It was just a few years ago the black mayor of your own city was caught "crack smoking". Give it up, man. Look in the mirror before you decide to point a finger at the gay community!
Oh and here is a where they apologized for it and have someone from GLAAD.
Wednesday, July 04, 2007
If You Are Famous You Get Out Of Jail FREE!!

That is right you heard it first here.
If you are rich/famous and or work in politics then you will not have to do much jail time. Just ask Paris Hilton and Scooter Libby. I am so outraged with the way that our justice system has treated these people with soft gentle hands. So does that mean if I go out and get drunk and get pulled over I only have to do 21 days in jail and then I am done? I mean come on America or if obstructing justice and perjury means that I won't have to go to jail? WOW I think this is a bad way to show our young people how our justice system works by slapping you on the hand and letting you get away with it. So when I get in trouble next I am gonna ask good ole George W if he will let me off the hook.
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
The “alternative” ending to the Wizard of Oz
Okay now that I have stopped laughing so hard that I can finally blog about the below video I will. I had a friend send me the link to the GayMenRule blog and when I watched the video I could not stop laughing! This is too funny!!
Friday, June 29, 2007
The Wait is Over!!!! iPhone Has Arrived!!!
Below is a letter that sent to Fox News about Bill O'Reilly and the Right Wing Fox News Channel. So I am asking you all to please write to FOX and tell them you want the TRUTH!!!!! Here is the E mail: YourComments@foxnews.com
Date: Friday, June 29, 2007 3:14 PM
From: stlcowboy@charter.net
To: YourComments@foxnews.com
Cc: STLcowboy@charter.net
Subject: Lesbian Gangs?
Size: 2 KB
I want more proof that these alleged "lesbian gangs" exist. You FOX news and all your right wing hypocrites piss me off for the last time. You all think that you are doing the right wing a favor by your inside journalism on this issue. What in fact you are doing is hurting the gay community because now what is gonna happen is someone is gonna go out looking for these "alleged" lesbian gang and end up killing a innocent lesbian and the blood will be on your hands!!! So I am calling you out FOX. Either put up or shut up! I want more details and I want you to find and interview one of these "lesbian gang" members. If not then I think that you and all your news is complete BULLSHIT!!!
Cody Alldredge
Here is the video where the right wing spin zone Doctor himself is using to put fear into straight people about alleged "Lesbian Gangs" and this all is total BS! Fox News needs to report on the REAL issues!!!
Date: Friday, June 29, 2007 3:14 PM
From: stlcowboy@charter.net
To: YourComments@foxnews.com
Cc: STLcowboy@charter.net
Subject: Lesbian Gangs?
Size: 2 KB
I want more proof that these alleged "lesbian gangs" exist. You FOX news and all your right wing hypocrites piss me off for the last time. You all think that you are doing the right wing a favor by your inside journalism on this issue. What in fact you are doing is hurting the gay community because now what is gonna happen is someone is gonna go out looking for these "alleged" lesbian gang and end up killing a innocent lesbian and the blood will be on your hands!!! So I am calling you out FOX. Either put up or shut up! I want more details and I want you to find and interview one of these "lesbian gang" members. If not then I think that you and all your news is complete BULLSHIT!!!
Cody Alldredge
Here is the video where the right wing spin zone Doctor himself is using to put fear into straight people about alleged "Lesbian Gangs" and this all is total BS! Fox News needs to report on the REAL issues!!!
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Delta Airlines Looks Like It Is In TROUBLE!!!!!!
It seems like it's happening all the time recently: Passengers stranged on a plane waiting in line on a runway ... but this story is a little different.
After being stranded on a plane at Kennedy Airport for four hours on June 21, Delta Flight 5637 passenger David Ollila -- who happens to work V.I.O., Inc., a company that manufactures small helmet-style camcorders -- stormed to the cockpit to confront the pilot, demanding to know why the passengers weren't being allowed off the plane and filming the whole exchange. Eventually, the pilot even admits that it's an untenable situation; the passengers were ultimately allowed off the plane and the flight was cancelled.
Delta Flight 6499 JFK to DFW on June 25 2007 experienced more than just a routine delay.. for seven hours, four children screamed, and we were told by crew that they couldn't feed us because Delta simply wouldn't allow it.
After being stranded on a plane at Kennedy Airport for four hours on June 21, Delta Flight 5637 passenger David Ollila -- who happens to work V.I.O., Inc., a company that manufactures small helmet-style camcorders -- stormed to the cockpit to confront the pilot, demanding to know why the passengers weren't being allowed off the plane and filming the whole exchange. Eventually, the pilot even admits that it's an untenable situation; the passengers were ultimately allowed off the plane and the flight was cancelled.
Delta Flight 6499 JFK to DFW on June 25 2007 experienced more than just a routine delay.. for seven hours, four children screamed, and we were told by crew that they couldn't feed us because Delta simply wouldn't allow it.
Ann Coulter is a stupid bitch!! Film at 11!!
I am so tired of Ann Coulter talking about other people like she is the most perfect woman in the world. Again this goes back to a previous post where I talk about people being MEDIA WHORES. That is what Ann Coulter really is. She wants attention so she can promote her books and her f*&%%ed up way of life on to everyone else. So here are a couple of videos that makes me say. Ann Coulter you need to keep you PIE HOLE SHUT!!!
"If I'm gonna say anything about John Edwards in the future, I'll just wish he had been killed in a terrorist assassination plot."
WTF??? Assassinate John Edwards??? What a fucked up mind you have Ann Coulter!!!
In this video I love the part where Chris ask question after question and she can't answer them!
Yes Ann Coulter STOP SPEAKING!!! You are a dumb stupid bitch!!!!!
"If I'm gonna say anything about John Edwards in the future, I'll just wish he had been killed in a terrorist assassination plot."
WTF??? Assassinate John Edwards??? What a fucked up mind you have Ann Coulter!!!
In this video I love the part where Chris ask question after question and she can't answer them!
Yes Ann Coulter STOP SPEAKING!!! You are a dumb stupid bitch!!!!!
Monday, June 25, 2007
Saint Louis Pridefest 2007!!!
Like most other big cities around the world like Chicago,IL , New York, NY, San Francisco,CA, and Toronto, Canada the city of Saint Louis had it's annual gay pride parade yesterday here under some off and on raining. Here is a video of the day with some of Saint Louis' big political people in it.
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
America.....Your wait is over!!! iPhone is coming June 29!!!!

iPhone arrives on June 29. iPhone features an amazing mobile phone, is the best iPod Apple ever created, and puts the Internet in your pocket with desktop-class email, web browsing, searching, and maps. And iPhone makes it all easy to use with its revolutionary multi-touch user interface. iPhone syncs with your PC or Mac just like an iPod, so organizing your content now will help you start calling, texting, emailing, surfing, listening, and watching even faster when you get your iPhone. So when are you picking up your iPhone from AT&T who is the exclusive cell phone company for Apple's iPhone???
Thursday, June 07, 2007
Shirley Phelp-Roper is a UNFIT Mother according to Nebraska!!!

Okay so it looks like Nebraska is my new favorite state!!!
Nebraska law states that it is a Class 3 misdemeanor when a person "intentionally casts contempt or ridicule upon a flag by mutilating, defacing, defiling, burning or trampling upon such flag." The law was passed in 1977.
In a previous post here I talk about how I hate the fact that people treat our US Flag and how much it angers me. Well it looks like the WBC (Westboro Baptist Church) has been rung up for this. Here is the story:
Omaha, Neb. — A member of the Kansas church that protests at soldier funerals across the nation was arrested Tuesday after her son stomped on a U.S. flag during a protest in Bellevue.
Shirley Phelps-Roper, 49, of Topeka, Kan., was arrested on suspicion of contributing to the delinquency of a minor.
Phelps-Roper acknowledged that she allowed her 10-year-old son, Jonah, to stand on the flag — an action that she says is protected by the U.S. Constitution.
Bellevue Police Capt. Herb Evers said a 1977 Nebraska statute makes it unlawful for a person to trample on a flag.
Phelps-Roper is a member of Westboro Baptist Church in Topeka. She is a daughter of the church’s founder, the Rev. Fred Phelps.
Phelps-Roper said church members have protested at more than 280 military funerals in 43 states since June 15, 2005, and that Tuesday marked her church’s first arrest at a funeral.
Here is another story on what happened in Omaha:
Shirley Phelps-Roper – the new face of Topeka’s gay hating, soldier funeral picketing Westboro Baptist Church – was arrested yesterday morning in Nebraska for allowing her 10-year-old son Jonah to stand on a United States flag while picketing a soldier’s funeral, the Topeka Capital-Journal reported. She is free on $150 bond.
Bellevue police arrested Phelps-Roper on suspicion of contributing to the delinquency of a minor. Phelps-Roper told the Capital-Journal that trampling the flag is a constitutionally protected and righteous act.
"Every symbol of the rebellious, doomed America must necessarily be disrespected," Phelps-Roper told the paper. "We did our duty today to our God and fellow man. Our job is to cause this nation to know her abomination. The thing they worship, the flag, is worthless. It's a piece of cloth."
Phelps-Roper was defiant as usual.
"Those rogue cops cooked up this scheme," she said, "and now the question is whether the person who sits in the office of the prosecutor has character. If they pursue this, our next stop will be federal court in Nebraska to challenge that unconstitutional statute."
So now the question becomes will the WBC hate clan be traveling back to Nebraska any time soon? Or will they say that the next natural disaster was because they were arrested in NE and that this is GOD'S way of punishing the US?? Well I guess I will keep my eye in the sky for something to happen.
Paris Already Out of Jail???? TMZ has the inside scoop!!!
TMZ has learned that Paris Hilton has not only had her sentence cut short, she is already out of jail!
Unimpeachable sources tell TMZ the deal was sealed yesterday, and that Hilton made her exit early early this morning.
She was originally sentenced to 45 days in jail, but that was reduced to 23. She served a total of three days -- the normal stay for a violation of this kind.
The L.A. County Sheriff's Department will hold a news conference in an hour to discuss what went down.
I love this video!!! TOO FUNNY!
So I ask this question. If you are a celebrity and you break the law does that mean that you won't have to do the time because you did the crime? WOW I am so amazed at how the law enforcement let's these people do this! If it was me I would have my license stripped from me and spend time in jail and have that on my record for the rest of my life. So I ask you do you think it is fair that they get special treatment???
SHE IS OUT!!!! Because of Medical Reasons???? WTF??
UPDATE 10:16 -- LA County Sheriff's spokesman Steve Whitmore says that Paris Hilton has been fitted for an ankle bracelet and put under house arrest for the next 40 days, after authorities determined to release Paris from prison due to medical reasons. She got out of jail just after midnight
Unimpeachable sources tell TMZ the deal was sealed yesterday, and that Hilton made her exit early early this morning.
She was originally sentenced to 45 days in jail, but that was reduced to 23. She served a total of three days -- the normal stay for a violation of this kind.
The L.A. County Sheriff's Department will hold a news conference in an hour to discuss what went down.
I love this video!!! TOO FUNNY!
So I ask this question. If you are a celebrity and you break the law does that mean that you won't have to do the time because you did the crime? WOW I am so amazed at how the law enforcement let's these people do this! If it was me I would have my license stripped from me and spend time in jail and have that on my record for the rest of my life. So I ask you do you think it is fair that they get special treatment???
SHE IS OUT!!!! Because of Medical Reasons???? WTF??
UPDATE 10:16 -- LA County Sheriff's spokesman Steve Whitmore says that Paris Hilton has been fitted for an ankle bracelet and put under house arrest for the next 40 days, after authorities determined to release Paris from prison due to medical reasons. She got out of jail just after midnight
Friday, June 01, 2007
Friday, May 25, 2007
Wine Country Vacation
Here are a few of the pictures from our wine country vacation in Northern California.
I will be posting more later.
Here is the lovely fireplace from our cottage in Gurneville, CA

Here is the lovely Arista Winery that we stopped at in the Russian River area.

If you ever go to the Russian River Area you have to stop by the Wilson Winery in Healdsburg, CA. We had a BLAST here yesterday!
I will be posting more later.
Here is the lovely fireplace from our cottage in Gurneville, CA
Here is the lovely Arista Winery that we stopped at in the Russian River area.
If you ever go to the Russian River Area you have to stop by the Wilson Winery in Healdsburg, CA. We had a BLAST here yesterday!
Monday, May 21, 2007
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Man's Best Friend!!!!

So today I am gonna pull at your heart strings and tell you that I want all of you to think about all the animals in the US that are abandoned because people can't afford to take care of them or just no longer want them. Today I am asking that you please give to a animal Organization like ASPCA or The Humane Society

I can tell you that ever since me and my partner have gotten Scooter our lives have changed so much. He is now a member of our family. He is so special to both of us.
I urge you to please care and respect animals and please if you can donate!
Here is our special little dog Scooter. Isn't he a DOLL??
Friday, May 11, 2007
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
I ask you Fox 2....Why????

Why is it that when someone who is in the eye of the people such as a celebrity, athlete, or any other famous person that after you die people have to drag you and your name through the mud? What I am referring too is the fact that FOX 2 News here in Saint Louis is reporting that now the night that Josh Hancock died he had marijuana in his rental car. I mean come on people we all have skeleton's in our closets. Why can't we just leave it alone. I mean really?
Here is what is posted on Fox's Website. New revelations about the crash that killed St. Louis Cardinals pitcher Josh Hancock Police sources tell FOX 2 News marijuana was found in Hancock’s rented Ford Explorer. Witnesses say Hancock was drinking at Mike Shannon’s bar before he slammed into a tow truck on Highway 40 early Sunday morning. Hancock was in a crash just days earlier in Sauget, Illinois. His memorial service is Thursday in Tupelo, Mississippi.
Fox must really be hard up for ratings to have to drag someone like Josh Hancock's name through the mud. FOX is just a big MEDIA WHORE for ratings.
Tuesday, May 01, 2007
Dixie Chicks - Not Ready To Make Nice and neither am I!!!!
In a old post here on my blog that you can read here I talked about how I didn't like the Dixie Chicks because they made cheap shots at Toby Keith and how they had to buy the Grammy's they won. I know that there were a lot of people hating on them after the comments they made in the UK. I for one say that you have every right to FREE SPEECH!!! After watching the Documentary "Shut Up And Sing" I have to retract those words and say that I like them. I realized that people make mistakes and say things they regret later. You know they were just telling everyone how they felt about George W. That was well over 4 years ago and today I have to agree with them. I am ashamed that the President is from TEXAS and I am ashamed that I am a American because we as a nation have become so greedy and feel we should bully the rest of the world to live like we should. I am going to tell you what my father told me when I was 13 and I told him I was gay. "What would the world be like if we were all the same?" I think that the world would be very boring.
Here are the lyrics to the song. Read them and see how they fit into your life:
Forgive, sounds good.
Forget, I'm not sure I could.
They say time heals everything,
But I'm still waiting
I'm through, with doubt,
There's nothing left for me to figure out,
I've paid a price, and i'll keep paying
I'm not ready to make nice,
I'm not ready to back down,
I'm still mad as hell
And I don't have time
To go round and round and round
It's too late to make it right
I probably wouldn't if I could
Cause I'm mad as hell
Can't bring myself to do what it is
You think I should
I know you said
Why can't you just get over it,
It turned my whole world around
and i kind of like it
I made by bed, and I sleep like a baby,
With no regrets and I don't mind saying,
It's a sad sad story
That a mother will teach her daughter
that she ought to hate a perfect stranger.
And how in the world
Can the words that I said
Send somebody so over the edge
That they'd write me a letter
Saying that I better shut up and sing
Or my life will be over
I'm not ready to make nice,
I'm not ready to back down,
I'm still mad as hell
And I don't have time
To go round and round and round
It's too late to make it right
I probably wouldn't if I could
Cause I'm mad as hell
Can't bring myself to do what it is
You think I should
I'm not ready to make nice,
I'm not ready to back down,
I'm still mad as hell
And I don't have time
To go round and round and round
It's too late to make it right
I probably wouldn't if I could
Cause I'm mad as hell
Can't bring myself to do what it is
You think I should
Forgive, sounds good.
Forget, I'm not sure I could.
They say time heals everything,
But I'm still waiting
Monday, April 30, 2007
Cardinals in shock of loss of relief pitcher Josh Hancock

I woke up like I do ever other morning and got dressed. Today was the first day of the new softball season. After winning and gathering up my things and getting in the car with my partner we heard the horrible news on the radio. While driving home Saturday night/Sunday morning St Louis Cardinals relief pitcher Josh Hancock was killed in a car accident. My heart sank because I knew that the Cardinals were just as sad as I was at that point. I remember us picking up Josh in 2006 from the Reds and him coming in and being very good for the Cardinals. I will miss Josh because he was a very nice guy and seemed so down to earth. Cardinal Nation is very sad as we cope with this loss.
Friday, April 27, 2007
Is Philadelphia....REALLY the city of brotherly love??
Recently while on a trip to Philadelphia, PA I had to think to myself is this truly the city of brotherly love? While there I tried to approach several people asking where to go and what to do. Well I was met with several noses turned up at me and several "I don't know's" and then at the airport while trying to get home on a American Airlines flight FROM HELL a Midwest Airlines agent was VERY rude to me and told me "I DON'T WORK FOR AMERICAN AIRLINES I WORK FOR MIDWEST AIRLINES." All while holding her head down and never looking up to even look me in the eye. So I ask you do you think that Philadelphia, PA is really the "City of Brotherly Love?" And now I know why I never like flying anyone other then Southwest!!!!!
Thursday, April 19, 2007
OutQ in the Morning with Larry Flick

WOO HOO! I am gonna be on Sirius OutQ with Larry Flick, Keith Price, and the FABULOUS Cynthia! I am so excited about being on Satellite radio because I use to be on FM or what they call Terrestrial radio a long time ago and worked the over nights and GOD did it SUCK! Well I hope you tune in and listen.
Yankee Stadium
Friday, April 13, 2007
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Is saying I am sorry enough??
In the recent news you have seen the following stories...

Don Imus has apologized for referring to members of the team as "nappy-headed hos" on his April 4 show. CBS Radio and NBC Universal, which broadcasts the show on MSNBC cable television, suspended the popular personality for two weeks, beginning next Monday. So do you think it is fair that he just be suspended for two weeks? Well I do know that there has been several companies that have pulled their ads from his show.

Rosanne Barr made controversial remarks on the radio this past weekend where she said that gays don't care about anyone but themselves, Roseanne today posted the following apology on her web site. "I deeply regret that I have offended gay people. I said things that I do not really mean, before I had thought them through... I was wrong and I seriously apologize! What I really meant to say... which was that everybody needs to unite right now, and step outside of their own neighborhoods, groups, races and classes to stop Bush's war on our country and our people. I love gays and I hate division. I am just a big idiot with a big mouth sometimes. I will learn to be more careful! Please forgive me, I am so sorry!!!!The leaders of gay groups need to align with the leaders of Acorn, and other groups of poor and desperate Americans and fight against those who oppress all of us! I have met too many gays who are Republicans, and I cannot understand how they could choose that! Let's all leave our own bedrooms, kitchens, neighborhoods and groups and meet each other to form a diverse army that stands for Democracy and Economic Justice!!!! Again I apologize for any pain or hurt I have caused those whom I have always loved and befriended."
So my point is gonna be that if you are a celebrity and you have your face out in the public and on the air waves of the radio. You don't need to do this to bring attention to yourself because words do hurt. Imus you hurt the Rutgers Basketball team by your words of racists remarks. Rosanne your words of saying that gay people are "totally narcissistic" is really hurtful to us as gay people cause trust me girl if it wasn't for you being our fag hag no one would like you in the gay community. You both need to learn what it means to be hurt. You both have been around for a LONG TIME. And I mean a L O N G time and you should know by now what is right and what is wrong. So I say to you both. May both of your careers go down the toilet and you never make it onto the air waves again!

Don Imus has apologized for referring to members of the team as "nappy-headed hos" on his April 4 show. CBS Radio and NBC Universal, which broadcasts the show on MSNBC cable television, suspended the popular personality for two weeks, beginning next Monday. So do you think it is fair that he just be suspended for two weeks? Well I do know that there has been several companies that have pulled their ads from his show.

Rosanne Barr made controversial remarks on the radio this past weekend where she said that gays don't care about anyone but themselves, Roseanne today posted the following apology on her web site. "I deeply regret that I have offended gay people. I said things that I do not really mean, before I had thought them through... I was wrong and I seriously apologize! What I really meant to say... which was that everybody needs to unite right now, and step outside of their own neighborhoods, groups, races and classes to stop Bush's war on our country and our people. I love gays and I hate division. I am just a big idiot with a big mouth sometimes. I will learn to be more careful! Please forgive me, I am so sorry!!!!The leaders of gay groups need to align with the leaders of Acorn, and other groups of poor and desperate Americans and fight against those who oppress all of us! I have met too many gays who are Republicans, and I cannot understand how they could choose that! Let's all leave our own bedrooms, kitchens, neighborhoods and groups and meet each other to form a diverse army that stands for Democracy and Economic Justice!!!! Again I apologize for any pain or hurt I have caused those whom I have always loved and befriended."
So my point is gonna be that if you are a celebrity and you have your face out in the public and on the air waves of the radio. You don't need to do this to bring attention to yourself because words do hurt. Imus you hurt the Rutgers Basketball team by your words of racists remarks. Rosanne your words of saying that gay people are "totally narcissistic" is really hurtful to us as gay people cause trust me girl if it wasn't for you being our fag hag no one would like you in the gay community. You both need to learn what it means to be hurt. You both have been around for a LONG TIME. And I mean a L O N G time and you should know by now what is right and what is wrong. So I say to you both. May both of your careers go down the toilet and you never make it onto the air waves again!
Saturday, April 07, 2007
I know I need to blog soon!
Sorry I haven't blogged in a while but been busy with work and softball practice.
I promise I will blog more!
I promise I will blog more!
Sunday, April 01, 2007
New Truck Alarm!!
Monday, March 26, 2007
Cowboy Restaurant Review II
WOW well my weekend started out really crappy but what can I say I had a great time on Friday and Saturday nights for dinner. So here is my Cowboy Restaurant Review II for the 2 following restaurants:

Friday Night - Harvest Restaurant
Harvest features fresh local and seasonal ingredients, beautifully presented, in a casual, warm setting. Harvest takes American cuisine to a new level, transforming seafood, steaks, chicken, game, and vegetables into multi-tiered presentations of flavors and textures. Centrally located in the Clayton-Richmond Heights corridor,
Harvest is just 5 minutes from downtown St. Louis.
I can totally agree with the above statement that I pulled off of their website.
OMG OMG OMG The food here at this establishment was top notch and SO SO SO Good!
I want to thank Terry, Mary, Don, Paula, and most of all my partner Tom for the great evening here.
Here is what indulged in:
Salmon/Cucumber Salad - YUM!!!
Pan Seared Hudson Valley Foie Gras
Five Spice Brioche, Rice Wine Gastrique, Orange-Ginger Marmalade
Okay so I know..Goose liver. I never thought I would like this but I have to tell you it is like eatting butter and my cholesterol just went WAY UP!! :-)
Main Course:
Pan Roasted Jumbo Scallops
Root Vegetable Risotto, Citrus-Watercress Vinaigrette
I have to say that this was the best Scallops I have had in a long time. I am a total Seafood nut and these were prepared so so so well.
So for dessert I wanted the White Chocolate Creme Brulee so I ordered it and then Don told me that I had to have the Bread Pudding too. So I ordered both!
Everyone around the table dug in and we all enjoyed the great food and the wonderful service that we had a the restaurant. Oh by the way. Thanks Liz!! Your the best!!

Saturday Night - The Melting Pot
The Melting Pot provides a unique, upscale and intimate dining experience with its assortment of fondue, cooked at the table by the guests. It is the perfect location for a romantic evening, corporate dinner party or friendly gathering. Guests enjoy a choice of four flavorful fondue-cooking styles and a variety of tasty entrees combined with special dipping sauces. The menu also includes creamy cheese fondues, fresh salads, fine wines and mouthwatering chocolate fondue desserts.
Okay again I agree with the above statement taken from the website.
I have been to the Melting Pot before but it has been a few years. This night out was a share celebration with my good friend Sam. Happy Birthday HOOKER! :-)
I do have to say that I agree with my friend Sam that this would not be a good first date place to take someone too. Well for one thing it take about 3 hours to fully enjoy everything they have to offer you.
Here is what we had for the night.
We ordered the BIG NIGHT OUT which is the following:
Feng Shui Cheese Fondue
A perfectly balanced blend of Fontina and Butterkäse cheeses with a serene touch of rice wine, sake, minced shallots, garlic and scallions.
Mandarin and Almond Oriental Salad
A mix of Romaine lettuce, red cabbage and carrots topped with toasted almonds, wonton strips, mandarin orange wedges and completed with an Asian-inspired dressing.
Fondue Fusion with Zen Cooking Style - Vegetable bouillon base seasoned with ginger and fresh lemon grass
Lobster Tail, Vannamei Shrimp, Ahi Tuna, Teriyaki Sirloin, Beef Tenderloin, Panang Chicken and Potstickers
Chocolate Fondue
The Melting Pot experience isn’t complete without one!!
Bailey’s® Irish Cream Dream Our milk chocolate swirled with Bailey’s Irish Cream. YUM!!!!
Fresh strawberries, bananas and pineapple, plus cheesecake, tasty marshmallows, pound cake and brownies for you to dip into any of our decadent chocolate fondue creations.
All I can say was that this was a great night out with two of my best friends. Oh and my big handsome partner Tom! :-)
I am so looking forward to going back to both of these 2 restaurants.
They are on the top of my list on places to revisit!

Friday Night - Harvest Restaurant
Harvest features fresh local and seasonal ingredients, beautifully presented, in a casual, warm setting. Harvest takes American cuisine to a new level, transforming seafood, steaks, chicken, game, and vegetables into multi-tiered presentations of flavors and textures. Centrally located in the Clayton-Richmond Heights corridor,
Harvest is just 5 minutes from downtown St. Louis.
I can totally agree with the above statement that I pulled off of their website.
OMG OMG OMG The food here at this establishment was top notch and SO SO SO Good!
I want to thank Terry, Mary, Don, Paula, and most of all my partner Tom for the great evening here.
Here is what indulged in:
Salmon/Cucumber Salad - YUM!!!
Pan Seared Hudson Valley Foie Gras
Five Spice Brioche, Rice Wine Gastrique, Orange-Ginger Marmalade
Okay so I know..Goose liver. I never thought I would like this but I have to tell you it is like eatting butter and my cholesterol just went WAY UP!! :-)
Main Course:
Pan Roasted Jumbo Scallops
Root Vegetable Risotto, Citrus-Watercress Vinaigrette
I have to say that this was the best Scallops I have had in a long time. I am a total Seafood nut and these were prepared so so so well.
So for dessert I wanted the White Chocolate Creme Brulee so I ordered it and then Don told me that I had to have the Bread Pudding too. So I ordered both!
Everyone around the table dug in and we all enjoyed the great food and the wonderful service that we had a the restaurant. Oh by the way. Thanks Liz!! Your the best!!

Saturday Night - The Melting Pot
The Melting Pot provides a unique, upscale and intimate dining experience with its assortment of fondue, cooked at the table by the guests. It is the perfect location for a romantic evening, corporate dinner party or friendly gathering. Guests enjoy a choice of four flavorful fondue-cooking styles and a variety of tasty entrees combined with special dipping sauces. The menu also includes creamy cheese fondues, fresh salads, fine wines and mouthwatering chocolate fondue desserts.
Okay again I agree with the above statement taken from the website.
I have been to the Melting Pot before but it has been a few years. This night out was a share celebration with my good friend Sam. Happy Birthday HOOKER! :-)
I do have to say that I agree with my friend Sam that this would not be a good first date place to take someone too. Well for one thing it take about 3 hours to fully enjoy everything they have to offer you.
Here is what we had for the night.
We ordered the BIG NIGHT OUT which is the following:
Feng Shui Cheese Fondue
A perfectly balanced blend of Fontina and Butterkäse cheeses with a serene touch of rice wine, sake, minced shallots, garlic and scallions.
Mandarin and Almond Oriental Salad
A mix of Romaine lettuce, red cabbage and carrots topped with toasted almonds, wonton strips, mandarin orange wedges and completed with an Asian-inspired dressing.
Fondue Fusion with Zen Cooking Style - Vegetable bouillon base seasoned with ginger and fresh lemon grass
Lobster Tail, Vannamei Shrimp, Ahi Tuna, Teriyaki Sirloin, Beef Tenderloin, Panang Chicken and Potstickers
Chocolate Fondue
The Melting Pot experience isn’t complete without one!!
Bailey’s® Irish Cream Dream Our milk chocolate swirled with Bailey’s Irish Cream. YUM!!!!
Fresh strawberries, bananas and pineapple, plus cheesecake, tasty marshmallows, pound cake and brownies for you to dip into any of our decadent chocolate fondue creations.
All I can say was that this was a great night out with two of my best friends. Oh and my big handsome partner Tom! :-)
I am so looking forward to going back to both of these 2 restaurants.
They are on the top of my list on places to revisit!
Top 10 Fetishes from Askmen.com
Do you have any of these fetishes???
10 - Stomachs
Men and women both agreed that taut tummies make them somewhat crazy. But others said that they would never bed a potential partner if their tummies protruded or hung loosely.
Some guys weren't as picky and admitted that they liked it when a woman had a tummy with a teensy-weensy little pot. One gentleman was very adamant about needing to release himself on a woman's stomach or his experience simply wouldn't be pleasurable.
9 - Body piercing
This one was quite popular with the younger crowd (18-35). Everything from bellybuttons, tongues and nipples to eyebrows and penises was not only acceptable, but for a specific few, it was a prerequisite.
One guy told us that he loves tongue rings because after being pleasured by a girl who had one, he couldn't go back to the "ordinary." The feeling of the cool object rubbing against his penis while her hot mouth engulfed him "felt like heaven."
8 - Leather, rubber, vinyl, latex
Men seem to love material; perhaps not the actual feel of it, but the rather pornographic quality it gives to a sexual encounter. Although men look to settle down with a sweet woman, most will forever have a fixation with that "bad girl" look.
"Watching a woman move around in anything tight and shiny is a tease in itself," says one gentleman. Another man told me that his girlfriend's entire wardrobe consists of latex and leather.
7 - Domination and submission
To my amazement, most women dominate and most guys submit. HELLO! A lot of women said they love to order their men around in bed like slaves and spank them, smack them, and even penetrate them with a strap-on.
Guys, on the other hand, enjoy submitting to women and being told what to do. I guess most of them are probably tired of performing all the time. Everything I mentioned that the women do -- well, the men enjoy having those things done to them. Welcome to the new millennium.
6 - Feet and Hands
You knew this fetish was coming didn't you? Men enjoy licking, sucking, kissing, and biting women's feet almost exclusively. Some guys simply can't date a woman if she has ugly feet or toes.
Women, I was surprised to learn, love to suck on men's fingers and some can even orgasm off that alone. "There's something about pleasuring a man's finger as though it was a penis that gives me orgasmic pleasure," said one woman from Seattle.
5 - Fingernails and Lipstick
It's the cliche of the '80s: red lipstick and long, red-lacquered fingernails. Well, guess what? Some guys are still obsessed with that whole thing. They enjoy feeling a woman's nails running down their backs.
As well, they like kissing a woman and smudging her lipstick all over both their faces. Why? Because it gives them the feeling of having adulterated sex, i.e. sex with a prostitute.
4 - Braids, Ponytails, and Pigtails
Hair, it's no surprise, was a very big fetish among guys. Blond, brunette, redheaded, braided, long, short, thick, curly, straight... you name it, they thought of it. But braids, pigtails and ponytails caught my attention. I have two theories as to why some men are into pigtails.
First, they have a preference for younger women (to say the least) and because of the illusion that pigtails and ponytails emanate, the fetishists feel as though they are fulfilling their desires.
Second, when the hair is tied up in these various ways, it could resemble a whip, to a certain extent. "Women can whip me with their hair: the ultimate turn-on." said one man from Boston. I can definitely see the latter example as working.
Some women have a fetish involving no hair: bald men. They love rubbing a man's bald head whilst in a passionate embrace. Did you hear that Costanza ? You're actually preferred by women.
3 - Water
Believe it or not, many variants of water were popular with both men and women. Many women declared that they enjoyed sex best when they could hear or be in running water. Whether it be rain, the shower or even an opened faucet -- so long as they heard water of some sort.
Although it's not exactly water, many women (and some men) absolutely obsess over thunder and lightning. "The powerful sound and the sudden flashes of light give my body a feeling of empowerment. My husband and I make plans to meet whenever we know that a storm is in effect," said a woman from Colorado.
2 - Golden Showers
I know this one doesn't sound very inviting, but it was a popular one. Some guys love to watch a woman urinate on them as a method of foreplay. Other guys like to relieve themselves on women before they can actually get down to business.
Why? Well, the reason for this also deals with submission. Being peed on is somewhat degrading and if you allow someone to do it to you, then you're submitting and if you do it to someone else, then they are succumbing to you.
1 - Voyeurism and exhibitionism
A lot of guys admitted that they couldn't get off with their partner unless they were watching pornography or another couple in the act. Even if they witnessed two people having sex or caught some erotic movies on television accidentally (yeah, right) when not with their partner, they had to masturbate.
Only a minute amount of women admitted that they are voyeuristic to the point where they needed to see sex whilst engaging in it. Oddly enough, however, quite a few women like being watched . One woman from New Orleans wrote, "I make sure to open the blinds fully before I make love with my partner."
10 - Stomachs
Men and women both agreed that taut tummies make them somewhat crazy. But others said that they would never bed a potential partner if their tummies protruded or hung loosely.
Some guys weren't as picky and admitted that they liked it when a woman had a tummy with a teensy-weensy little pot. One gentleman was very adamant about needing to release himself on a woman's stomach or his experience simply wouldn't be pleasurable.
9 - Body piercing
This one was quite popular with the younger crowd (18-35). Everything from bellybuttons, tongues and nipples to eyebrows and penises was not only acceptable, but for a specific few, it was a prerequisite.
One guy told us that he loves tongue rings because after being pleasured by a girl who had one, he couldn't go back to the "ordinary." The feeling of the cool object rubbing against his penis while her hot mouth engulfed him "felt like heaven."
8 - Leather, rubber, vinyl, latex
Men seem to love material; perhaps not the actual feel of it, but the rather pornographic quality it gives to a sexual encounter. Although men look to settle down with a sweet woman, most will forever have a fixation with that "bad girl" look.
"Watching a woman move around in anything tight and shiny is a tease in itself," says one gentleman. Another man told me that his girlfriend's entire wardrobe consists of latex and leather.
7 - Domination and submission
To my amazement, most women dominate and most guys submit. HELLO! A lot of women said they love to order their men around in bed like slaves and spank them, smack them, and even penetrate them with a strap-on.
Guys, on the other hand, enjoy submitting to women and being told what to do. I guess most of them are probably tired of performing all the time. Everything I mentioned that the women do -- well, the men enjoy having those things done to them. Welcome to the new millennium.
6 - Feet and Hands
You knew this fetish was coming didn't you? Men enjoy licking, sucking, kissing, and biting women's feet almost exclusively. Some guys simply can't date a woman if she has ugly feet or toes.
Women, I was surprised to learn, love to suck on men's fingers and some can even orgasm off that alone. "There's something about pleasuring a man's finger as though it was a penis that gives me orgasmic pleasure," said one woman from Seattle.
5 - Fingernails and Lipstick
It's the cliche of the '80s: red lipstick and long, red-lacquered fingernails. Well, guess what? Some guys are still obsessed with that whole thing. They enjoy feeling a woman's nails running down their backs.
As well, they like kissing a woman and smudging her lipstick all over both their faces. Why? Because it gives them the feeling of having adulterated sex, i.e. sex with a prostitute.
4 - Braids, Ponytails, and Pigtails
Hair, it's no surprise, was a very big fetish among guys. Blond, brunette, redheaded, braided, long, short, thick, curly, straight... you name it, they thought of it. But braids, pigtails and ponytails caught my attention. I have two theories as to why some men are into pigtails.
First, they have a preference for younger women (to say the least) and because of the illusion that pigtails and ponytails emanate, the fetishists feel as though they are fulfilling their desires.
Second, when the hair is tied up in these various ways, it could resemble a whip, to a certain extent. "Women can whip me with their hair: the ultimate turn-on." said one man from Boston. I can definitely see the latter example as working.
Some women have a fetish involving no hair: bald men. They love rubbing a man's bald head whilst in a passionate embrace. Did you hear that Costanza ? You're actually preferred by women.
3 - Water
Believe it or not, many variants of water were popular with both men and women. Many women declared that they enjoyed sex best when they could hear or be in running water. Whether it be rain, the shower or even an opened faucet -- so long as they heard water of some sort.
Although it's not exactly water, many women (and some men) absolutely obsess over thunder and lightning. "The powerful sound and the sudden flashes of light give my body a feeling of empowerment. My husband and I make plans to meet whenever we know that a storm is in effect," said a woman from Colorado.
2 - Golden Showers
I know this one doesn't sound very inviting, but it was a popular one. Some guys love to watch a woman urinate on them as a method of foreplay. Other guys like to relieve themselves on women before they can actually get down to business.
Why? Well, the reason for this also deals with submission. Being peed on is somewhat degrading and if you allow someone to do it to you, then you're submitting and if you do it to someone else, then they are succumbing to you.
1 - Voyeurism and exhibitionism
A lot of guys admitted that they couldn't get off with their partner unless they were watching pornography or another couple in the act. Even if they witnessed two people having sex or caught some erotic movies on television accidentally (yeah, right) when not with their partner, they had to masturbate.
Only a minute amount of women admitted that they are voyeuristic to the point where they needed to see sex whilst engaging in it. Oddly enough, however, quite a few women like being watched . One woman from New Orleans wrote, "I make sure to open the blinds fully before I make love with my partner."
Saturday, March 24, 2007
My Sirius Radio Got Stolen!!!

This is a message to the JERKS that stole my Sirius Satellite radio from my truck.
You SUCK!!!! I am so pissed right now. What a way to start my birthday weekend off. So I had to call the police and fill out all the paperwork and blah blah blah.
Now I can't listen to my favorite radio show in the morning or on my way home. What a messed up weekend now. :-(
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Birthday Wish List.....

Happy Birthday to me!!
That is right my 34th Birthday is coming up this Sunday and I am so ready to get it over with! :-)
So what are you getting me for my B Day?
Well I do like gift cards.
Below is a list of Gift Cards I want!! :-)
Wehrenberg Theatres
Sports Authority
Best Buy
Southwest Airlines
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Halliburton says BYE BYE to the US and Unleashes the Energy in the United Arab Emirates.

WTF? I mean a company that was here in the US is now going to the UAE so that they won't have to pay taxes. Also this is the same company that has all the Government contracts in IRAQ to help rebuild that country. Oh and not to mention who has the biggest thing to gain from this? That's right our Vice President Dick Chaney! Well all I can say is THANKS DICK!
Friday, March 09, 2007
Is it right for us to abuse and disgrace the US Flag???

I know what you are saying that everyone can protest and that it is covered under the first amendment blah blah blah. It's not that I have a issue with the protest it is the people at this protest that think it is ok to do what they want with the flag of the United States. I have a problem with someone walking on or dragging it behind them just because they are pissed off about the US. I am so tired of seeing images like these in the newspaper, on the news, and on the web. It angers me to think that someone who lives in the US would do this to the flag of their country. So I ask you this question do you think that it is right for people to do this? Does it anger you? Cause God knows it angers me every time that I see this.
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
Have You Hugged Someone Today???
Sometimes, a hug is all what we need. Free hugs is a real life controversial story of Juan Mann, A man who's sole mission was to reach out and hug a stranger to brighten up their lives.
In this age of social disconnectivity and lack of human contact, the effects of the Free Hugs campaign became phenomenal.
As this symbol of human hope spread across the city, police and officials ordered the Free Hugs campaign BANNED. What we then witness is the true spirit of humanity come together in what can only be described as awe inspiring.
In the Spirit of the free hugs campaign, PASS THIS TO A FRIEND and HUG A STRANGER! After all, If you can reach just one person...
In a recent post that Southwest Airlines done I found this video.
I think that Southwest is trying to share the LUV with everyone.
By the way Southwest....Thanks for flying to SFO (San Francisco International Airport) and DEN (Denver International Airport) again because I was very sad that you quit flying to both of theses cities. I have to pass on that your flight attendants are the best in the business and I wish other airlines would follow suite with the way that your people always smile and have the best attitude!!!
So some LUV and fly Southwest.
Cause sometimes you just gotta get away!
In this age of social disconnectivity and lack of human contact, the effects of the Free Hugs campaign became phenomenal.
As this symbol of human hope spread across the city, police and officials ordered the Free Hugs campaign BANNED. What we then witness is the true spirit of humanity come together in what can only be described as awe inspiring.
In the Spirit of the free hugs campaign, PASS THIS TO A FRIEND and HUG A STRANGER! After all, If you can reach just one person...
In a recent post that Southwest Airlines done I found this video.
I think that Southwest is trying to share the LUV with everyone.
By the way Southwest....Thanks for flying to SFO (San Francisco International Airport) and DEN (Denver International Airport) again because I was very sad that you quit flying to both of theses cities. I have to pass on that your flight attendants are the best in the business and I wish other airlines would follow suite with the way that your people always smile and have the best attitude!!!
So some LUV and fly Southwest.
Cause sometimes you just gotta get away!
Sunday, March 04, 2007
Ann Coluter using the "F" word doesn't make you COOL....
I was totally outraged when in a recent C-Span video of Ann Coulter she told the Republicans at CPAC:
“I was going to have a few comments on the other Democratic presidential candidate, John Edwards, but it turns out you have to go into rehab if you use the word ‘faggot–so….’"
What the Hell????
Well Ann if you can use the "F" word I am going to use the "C" word.
You are a CUNT!! You know rumor has it that the trannies in NY want to help you look a little LESS Masculine so I would take them up on their offer you spineless bitch! I have never been a fan of a woman who tries too hard to be on the right wing of Politics. Ann who's Kool-Aid have you been drinking? OH and by the way Anorexic bitch eat a cheeseburger before your dress falls off your body! Oh and tell your LESBIAN lover hi for me okay??
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