Well it is funny how you notice things about certain baseball teams when they are your rivals but when it comes to Chicago even the White Sox fans hate the Chicago Cubs Fans along with all the others in the MLB because they are so arrogant not only at their own beloved Wrigley Field but when they go out of town to other stadiums.
Here are a few rants and raves I pulled off of Craigs list.
Number 1:
Date: 2007-10-05, 8:22AM CDT
Loved watching that Cub pitcher throwing his glove down on the mound!!!
Need anything else be said???
Number 2:
Date: 2007-10-05, 8:53AM CDT
I didn't realize they had a "goat check" available there!

Number 3:
Date: 2007-10-05, 10:30AM CDT
Nice try. Wait until next years payroll figures.
Soriano (136 million), Ramirez (75 million), Derosa (13 million), Marquis (21 million), and Lilly (40 million).
All told the Cubs spent $297.5 MILLION DOLLARS THIS YEAR!!!!
$297.5 million dollars spent this year for that piece of shit on the field?!!!
Number 4:
Date: 2007-10-05, 9:00AM CDT
We just hate their stupid fans!!!
Cub fans are some of the most annoying asswipes in sports! Here's a tip for you dumbasses! When you go to watch the Cubs at an opposing teams ballpark, BE RESPECTFUL! Don't call it Wrigley Field West, South, East, or North! THAT'S FUCKING BUSH LEAGUE!!!!
That's why the fucking Marlins, who had nothing to play for, beat the forever living shit out of your team! Booing the fucking home team and refs for calls that didn't go your way like you're fucking entitled! Bunch of spoiled fucking North Shore cunts! You retards started shit in the stands and the 5,000 Marlin fans kicked your asses all the way back to Shitcago! It's one thing to do it during the crosstown classic, but at every fucking stadium is classless!
Just like a couple of years ago when you dumbasses tried to pull that shit in Yankee Stadium and got your asses handed to you! The Cubs hadn't been to the Bronx in 67 fucking years and you fucktards act like that?!!! Learn about the history of the game and be respectful of it and stop being tools!
That dumbass Cub Fan waving a fucking flashing neon Cub sign when the opposing pitcher is on the mound IN THEIR STADIUM is a prime example of why people hate your fucking guts! Cub Fans are the most classless, self-entitled, pieces of shit in sports!
Wow..talk about some hate there....
Well I think it is just fair that I get a few licks in as I remember last year the Cubs posting alot of comments like the above ones on the St Louis Craig's List during the play off. Saying we are gonna choke and not win....Oh sorry in case you haven't gotten the memo yet the Cardinals won the World Series last year. Well Cubs I think that you are the most hated fans in baseball. I love it here in the city of baseball heaven.
Oh by the way GO ROCKIES!!!

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