OMG when did trailer trash make it to dolls? I was gonna get my friend in Austin B one for Christmas but I heard all he got was a lump of coal because he was bad this past year. So be sure and put the Trailer Trash Doll on your Birthday list or you will have to wait till next year to get one.
There is something I wanna throw out to you. I have for a long time thought about writing a biography about myself and if I should or not. What is your feelings on this subject?? Hope you all have a safe and fun New Years
This has been a sad few days for us here in the US. We have lost 2 of the great men of the last decade.
Gerald R. Ford took the oath of office on August 9, 1974, he declared, "I assume the Presidency under extraordinary circumstances.... This is an hour of history that troubles our minds and hurts our hearts." Ford's reputation for integrity and openness had made him popular during his 25 years in Congress. From 1965 to 1973, he was House Minority Leader. Born in Omaha, Nebraska, in 1913, he grew up in Grand Rapids, Michigan. He starred on the University of Michigan football team, then went to Yale, where he served as assistant coach while earning his law degree. During World War II he attained the rank of lieutenant commander in the Navy. After the war he returned to Grand Rapids, where he began the practice of law, and entered Republican politics. A few weeks before his election to Congress in 1948, he married Elizabeth Bloomer. They have four children: Michael, John, Steven, and Susan.
James Joseph Brown, commonly referred to as "The Godfather of Soul", was an American entertainer recognized as one of the most influential figures in 20th-century popular music. As a prolific singer, songwriter, band leader, and record producer, Brown was a seminal force in the evolution of gospel and rhythm and blues into soul and funk. He left his mark on numerous other musical genres, including rock, jazz, reggae, disco, dance and electronic music, afro beat, and hip hop music. Brown began his professional music career in 1953 and skyrocketed to fame in the late 1950s and early 1960s on the strength of his thrilling live performances and a string of smash hits. In spite of various personal problems and setbacks, he continued to score hits in every decade through the 1980s. In the 1960s and 1970s Brown was a presence in American political affairs, noted especially for his activism on behalf of African Americans and the poor.
Hope that you all had a Merry Christmas and hope that Santa brought you all what you wanted for Christmas! I know I got alot more then what I wanted and I am SO happy that I got want I really wanted too! :-)
Who is William Sledd? Well he is a video blogger that has taken Youtube by storm. William has caught the eyes and hearts of so many Americans with his fashion advice and his great outlook on life. I myself stumbled across his youtube one day by accident while watching other videos on youtube. I have to say that I was hooked from the beginning and that he is totally funny and he does have good fashion advice. William has recently went to LA and rumor has it that he will soon have his own show on TV. Well I will keep my eyes and ears out for it. William I have to tell you that I personally know that you get alot of slack for being gay and I know there are the haters out there that are just jealous because they can't be you and have the star power to be so popular. Oh by the way William please tell GAP they need to make stuff in JUMBO Petite for us big boys! :-)
Don't you just love dealing with city politics and BS like waiting 2 weeks for the city to clean up glass on the street from a building that has been vacant for years and the city won't do anything about it. Glass lays all over the sidewalk and this is where a school bus stop is. Today while driving by I noticed a few kids jumping on the glass and kicking it around. You know it is funny how it will take one kid falling and cutting themselves to get the city to get off there ass and do something about this issue. I have been so frustrated with the way that some cities drag their feet on doing anything for the neighborhood. Way to look out for your city Saint Louis!!! And thanks for all your help Alderwoman Kirner and NSO Diane Raines!!! Your the best!!! And you all wonder why no one wants to move into the city. Guess now you have the answer to your question.
If you do not have Sirius Satellite radio then you need to ask Santa for it this year so that next year you can get in on Derek and Romaine's What's in your stocking contest on Out Q on Sirius Channel 106. They have like $700 worth of stuff in this stocking and I WANT ONE!!! So Derek and Romaine if you are reading this you better give me one! :-) Hope you tune in and listen to the Derek and Romaine show on Sirius Channel 106 6pm-10pm EST. So you better tune in!
Nicole Richie was charged with driving under the influence of drugs after she was seen going against traffic on a Southern California freeway in the early morning. The pre-dawn arrest of the 25-year-old was busted just like her friend Paris Hilton. She too is in the spotlight for being a stupid celebrity. Come on Nicole could you please eat a cheeseburger before you fly away with the wind?? A Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department report showed the actress weighed 85lbs at the time of her booking. Richie, who has had treatment for heroin addiction, was charged with driving under the influence. She was released after posting bail of $15,000. Her publicists said in October that she had checked herself into a clinic to address her inability to gain weight. Yeah well she needs to do more then that. I mean come on girl you are a has been! Check yourself into a drug rehab clinic and get your act together.
I love Southwest Airlines. I flew this past weekend from Saint Louis, MO (STL) to Tulsa, OK (TUL) on Friday. Then I flew Tulsa, OK (TUL) to Kansas City, MO (KCI) and then home to Saint Louis, MO (STL). I luv the flight attendants and the whole company! They are the best and I always look forward to flying on them. They are the only airline that I actually enjoy flying because other flight attendants are so BITCHY. I luv SOUTHWEST!!
A South Carolina fed-up mother had her 12-year-old son arrested for allegedly rummaging through his great-grandmother's things and playing with his Christmas present early.
The mother called police Sunday after learning her son had disobeyed orders and repeatedly taken a Game Boy from its hiding place at his grandmother's house next door and played it. He was arrested on petty larceny charges, taken to the local police station in handcuffs and held until his mother picked him up after church.
So let this be a lesson! Don't look at your presents or I will have you arrested!!
Carmen’s Place in Queens --– a homeless shelter for Transgender, Gay and Lesbian youths at risk– is in desperate need of financial assistance, as the church where Carmen's Place is housed is being forced to close down for economic reasons. Please help us continue to do good for the community. We need your assistance to move Carman's Place to a new location by January 1st or a lot of the residents will be forced back into lives of prostitution and crime on the streets and it's going to get cold outside. We are the only homeless shelter in the United States that caters predominately to Transgender youth while leaving space for gay and lesbian young people. Please donate to our cause. Carmen’s Place on the corner of 46th st and 31st ave R,V,G train lines 46-09 31 Ave, Astoria, NY 11103 Louis Braxton– tel: 646-512-1703
I love listening to my new Sirus S50 Satellite Radio in my truck I would say that 99.9999% it is on Channel 106 Out Q Radio. So be sure and ask for Sirus for Christmas!!
This is one of my favorite shows that is now on TV. I have been hooked on this show from the beginning and I can't wait for Season 2. So what is your Favorite show??
More Than 475,000 Without Power, I-70 Westbound Closed At Hwy. 94, Again West Of Kingdom City. This is just some of the things that are happening in the midwest. There has been so many accidents on the local roadways here in St Louis that the tow trucks can't get from one accident to the next because of the bad roads. I called in today to work and staying home because I have no power and I thank god for my Sprint Wireless card and my laptop! Hopefully the electric will be back on soon cause I am frozen like a Popsicle stick. See ya soon!
Girl #1: So, he told me that I had the prettiest pussy he had ever seen. Girl #2: Ew! What did you say? Girl #1: I said, 'Thank you.' My mother told me to always take a compliment gracefully.
--Prince & Broadway
He'd Have Done It for Free
Bum, after lady hands him a pack of cigarettes: The whole pack? Lady: Yeah, take them, you can have 'em. Bum: That is so kind of you! I can't believe it! How can I repay you? Lady: No, no, just take them. Bum: I know what I will do! I will make love to your dog.
--Ave A & 7th St
Overheard by: Anna Meyer
And Once You Try It a Few Dozen Times on 'The Sims,' You'll Be Ready to Try It in Real Life, Little Camper
Ladies' man #1: So just bang her out, then. Ladies' man #2: After what she did to me, I don't think I can just give that to her. Ladies' man #1: The man always has the upper hand -- you should just bang her out and then call her the next day and be like, 'Hey, do you have any cute friends you could hook me up with?' You know, make her feel like shit.
(RED) was created by Bono and Bobby Shriver, Chairman of DATA, to raise awareness and money for The Global Fund by teaming up with the world's most iconic brands to produce (PRODUCT) RED-branded products. A percentage of each (PRODUCT) RED product sold is given to The Global Fund. The money helps women and children with HIV/AIDS in Africa.
Giorgio Armani is turning his global network of 124 stores in 33 countries RED for World AIDS Day to celebrate the arrival of the EMPORIO ARMANI (PRODUCT) RED collection.
American Express RED is a new red card for members.
MySpace and Dazed & Confused magazine have joined forces to support World AIDS Day and (RED) by encouraging people across the globe to submit still images, illustrations, or animated sequences themed on the colour red. Luminaries such as Samantha Morton, Juliette Lewis, Rhys Ifans, Roman Coppola, Helena Christensen and Bjork have all taken part!
Motorola is offering a Red MotoRazr. The new red MOTORAZR combines superb performance with cutting-edge features, all within the sleek design of one of the slimmest phones around. By purchasing the new red MOTORAZR, you’ve not only got the ultimate mobile phone, you’ve also allowed Motorola to make a direct contribution to The Global Fund to help eliminate AIDS in Africa. Don’t just make a call – make a statement.
Gap has a new line of Red Products available to purchase. They have all kinds of Shirts that you can wear anywhere. That reminds me that I need to stop by and get a T shirt for a few friends for X Mas.
Apple is offering a RED iPod! And when you buy an iPod nano (PRODUCT) RED™ Special Edition, it matters even more. That's because Apple contributes $10 from your purchase price to the Global Fund, to help fight HIV/AIDS in Africa. Sleek and lightweight, the iPod Nano REDTM delivers everything you'd expect from the world's best-selling digital music player. In 4GB and 8GB models, it holds up to 2,000 songs. A brilliant, 1.5-inch color display shows off album art and up to 25,000 photos. Up to 24 hours of battery life gives you longer listening. Seamless iTunes integration lets you import your CDs, shop for 99¢ songs on the iTunes Store, then sync them in minutes. And a durable anodized aluminum enclosure tells the world you've chosen to join (RED).
Converse is also offering red shoes. Oh and speaking of shoes I have to post this video again! :-)
Elton John has criticized Australian Prime Minister John Howard's position on gay marriage.
The musician, on an Australian tour, was asked if he had a message for John Howard, whose government overruled a local law allowing gay unions in June.
"Up yours!" replied the outspoken star, who "married" his partner David Furnish in a civil ceremony last year.
So I guess Elton and Jim Webb are standing up and not taking anything from anyone!!!
At a recent White House reception for freshman members of Congress, Virginia's newest senator tried to avoid President Bush. Democrat James Webb declined to stand in a presidential receiving line or to have his picture taken with the man he had often criticized on the stump this fall. But it wasn't long before Bush found him.
"How's your boy?" Bush asked, referring to Webb's son, a Marine serving in Iraq.
"I'd like to get them out of Iraq, Mr. President," Webb responded, echoing a campaign theme.
"That's not what I asked you," Bush said. "How's your boy?"
"That's between me and my boy, Mr. President," Webb said coldly, ending the conversation on the State Floor of the East Wing of the White House.
Just installed my Sirius S50 in my F-150 Pick up and I am so excited that I get to listen to Sirius Out Q on Channel 106. I love OutQ in the Morning, Frank DeCaro Show, Michelangelo Signorile Show, and of course Derek & Romaine. If you don't have Sirius you should get it! I a so ready for a road trip now!!
The Christmas Rush has begun! So you say that you have 20 people to shop for? Well that is a lot. I have only a few to shop for so I am the lucky one! Well I am not asking much for Christmas this year. Hope you all have a Happy and safe holiday season!
You know it is amazing what people will do for media attention because they are celebrities or because they are TOTAL idiots!! Here is my Top 5 list of Media WHORES today.
5. Tom & Katie Cruise - He jumped on a couch, She had a baby, and he is no longer with Universal Pictures. Does anyone REALLY care?? I mean come on Tom. Your 15 mins of fame is up. And Katie hun you SUCK!! But I won't tell anyone.
4. Madonna - I mean yeah we know that you are rich and you can buy anything in the world. But a CHILD? Girl all I can say is you go with your bad self!!!
3. Paris Hilton - She is blond, dumb, and a total idiot but yet the press flock to her because she is a celebrity. Paris actually takes herself seriously and "embraces her stupidity". So I guess her stupidity was getting in a car and driving drunk and getting busted for it. Oh and then before that how about ya make a sex video and then release it. Way to go PARIS!!
2. OJ Simpson - I mean come on man. You killed your wife and now you want to produce a book and a TV special on "If you did it this is how it would be done?" You are a VERY VERY SICK individual and how dare you try to make money when you owe the Brown's 38 MILLION on a judgment. Maybe you should start selling some OJ to make up for it.
1. The Westboro Baptist Church. These SICK individuals will do anything for media attention. I think they are the BIGGEST ATTENTION WHORES of all. I think that they would sell one of there on children just to have a camera in there face so they can show there signs "GOD HATES FAGS", "GOD HATES AMERICA", "THANK GOD FOR IED'S", and my least favorite of all "THANK GOD FOR DEAD SOLDIERS". Bitch all I got to say is if you hate AMERICA so much that you walk on the US Flag and have to carry signs around to get attention then you are the SICKEST, DUMBEST, and STUPIDEST Media WHORES of all!!! OH and one question for the WEIRDO's....instead of love crusades why don't you really call it what is is. HATE CRUSADES!
Laptops for interns - $15,000 Suits for campaign trail - $20,000 Bus for campaign tour - $250,000 Having your daughter bust our crying because the Republicans lost - PRICELESS!!!
Let's all party like it is 1994...Oh wait we can't....Republicans have lost control of the House of Representatives and Possibly The Senate.
So now I can scratch 3 things of my X mas list... 1 - St Louis Cardinals Win World Series 2 - Democrats Win House and and possibly the Senate 3 - Donald Rumsfeld steps down as Secretary of Defense...
I still have two on my list. 1 - Investigation into the War in Iraq 2 - Fred Phelps Has a house dropped on him and his family!!!
Well I am thinking I will get one more...God I wish I could have both. HHHMMM What to do? I think it is time to go shopping for SHOES!!! You have to see this video!! PRICELESS!!!
All I can say is do NOT go to Dobb's cause they will SCREW you out of as much money as they can. I took my truck in recently and had 2 new tires put on the front of it. While it was there I wanted them to check the alignment because I just had it done like a year ago and it looked like it was out of alignment. I was told a year ago that if I ever had trouble with it to bring it back in and they would fix it for me for free. Well that is not the case I found out when I dropped it off at the Hampton and Chippewa location. Well needless to say I was told by someone there that they would look into it and let me know if they could maybe give it to me or knock some money off when I picked my truck up. Well all and all I got back to pick up my truck and nothing was even said about it and they charged me full price for the alignment. So I will not be going back to Dobb's Auto and Tire and I would recommend anyone in the St Louis area that uses them to make sure you don't get screwed!!!!!
The 2006 World Series Champions Saint Louis Cardinals!!! To all the people who said we couldn't do it, I am so glad that we proved your wrong. See the underdog can win and we did! CONGRATULATIONS!!! David Eckstein was the World Series MVP and I think he deserved it. Wat to go Ecky!!!
Let me start off by saying OMG!! David Eckstein you are the MAN!!! This guy is a great short stop and a very good hitter. I was screaming at the TV last night when he hit in the 8th to get in a run and it lead the St Louis Cardinals to a VICTORY over the Detroit Tigers! All those not living within the shadow of the Gateway Arch raise your hands if you thought the Cardinals would be leading this Series, 3-1, after four games. Raise your hands if you even thought the Cardinals would have a win in this series after four games. All I can say is LET'S GO CARDINALS!!!!!
Well thanks to Chris Carpenter the 2005 Cy Young winner for a great outing against the Detroit Tigers! Carpenter not only shut out the Tigers during his stint, he completely shut them down. And he would have shut them out if not for an overly long bottom of the eighth that led Cardinals manager Tony La Russa to call on his bullpen. Carpenter needed only 82 pitches to pile up 24 outs. Carpenter missed the 2004 World Series due to a nerve injury in his right biceps, and he was ready to make the most of his chance this time around. It was still 2-0 in the seventh when Zumaya got himself in deep trouble -- but almost got himself out of it as well. A pair of walks brought up Albert Pujols with two on and no outs, but Pujols hit a comebacker right at Zumaya -- the kind of ball that should have gone for at least two outs. Instead, Zumaya simply threw it away on his attempt for a force at third, and both runners scored while Pujols motored all the way to second.
Well after being down 3-0 the cardinals come back and score a run in the 9th but could not rally with the bases loaded. I wonder why Tony LaRussa didn't bring in a pinch hitter for Molina?? Oh well final score was 3-1 and by the way what was that on your hand Kenny Rodgers? Pine Tar? Well who really knows? I hope that the MLB looks into this and make sure it doesn't happen again.
Well it looks like the Saint Louis Cardinals have come through with game 1 of the World Series against the Detroit Tigers. Well let's hope they can keep up the good work and bring the World Series back to Saint Louis!!
I think that MLB needs to investigate why it is that people can sell tickets online for a lot more then they are worth. I am a very devoted Cardinals fan and I think it is OUTRAGEOUS that the MLB doesn't do anything about it. There is a law in Missouri that you can not sell a ticket for more then it's face value but people do it every day! I mean there are loop holes like you are buying this baseball card but I will throw in the tickets with it and if you bid more then the tickets are worth I am gonna give you a baseball hat. This TOTALLY pisses me off! I mean $335 for a SRO ticket? and $500 a seat for nose bleed tickets Come on.... I even went so far as to E mail one of the ticket hoarders online this E mail:
I hope you know that it is against the law in Missouri to sell a ticket for more then it's face value and I am sure all of you tickets are marked WAY up because you money grubbing jerks want all the cash you can get from a devoted fan. Well you are not getting it from me buddy! I hope that none of your tickets sell and that you get stuck with the bill.
Thanks Cody Alldredge
So I guess I will be sitting at home watching the game. *SIGH*
I hope that this story and videos inspire you as much as it has me to do something not for yourself but for someone else!
Team Hoyt
Sports Illustrated, by Rick Reilly
(videos at bottom of article - but read this first)
I try to be a good father. Give my kids mulligans. Work nights to pay for their text messaging. Take them to swimsuit shoots.
But compared with Dick Hoyt, I suck.
Eighty-five times he's pushed his disabled son, Rick, 26.2 miles in marathons. Eight times he's not only pushed him 26.2 miles in a wheelchair but also towed him 2.4 miles in a dinghy while swimming and pedaled him 112 miles in a seat on the handlebars--all in the same day. Dick's also pulled him cross-country skiing, taken him on his back mountain climbing and once hauled him across the U.S. on a bike. Makes taking your son bowling look a little lame, right?
And what has Rick done for his father? Not much--except save his life.
This love story began in Winchester, Mass., 43 years ago, when Rick was strangled by the umbilical cord during birth, leaving him brain-damaged and unable to control his limbs. ``He'll be a vegetable the rest of his life;'' Dick says doctors told him and his wife, Judy, when Rick was nine months old. ``Put him in an institution.''
But the Hoyts weren't buying it. They noticed the way Rick's eyes followed them around the room. When Rick was 11 they took him to the engineering department at Tufts University and asked if there was anything to help the boy communicate. ``No way,'' Dick says he was told. ``There's nothing going on in his brain.'' "Tell him a joke,'' Dick countered. They did. Rick laughed. Turns out a lot was going on in his brain.
Rigged up with a computer that allowed him to control the cursor by touching a switch with the side of his head, Rick was finally able to communicate. First words? ``Go Bruins!'' And after a high school classmate was paralyzed in an accident and the school organized a charity run for him, Rick pecked out, ``Dad, I want to do that.''
Yeah, right. How was Dick, a self-described ``porker'' who never ran more than a mile at a time, going to push his son five miles? Still, he tried. ``Then it was me who was handicapped,'' Dick says. ``I was sore for two weeks.''
That day changed Rick's life. ``Dad,'' he typed, ``when we were running, it felt like I wasn't disabled anymore!'' And that sentence changed Dick's life. He became obsessed with giving Rick that feeling as often as he could. He got into such hard-belly shape that he and Rick were ready to try the 1979 Boston Marathon. ``No way,'' Dick was told by a race official. The Hoyts weren't quite a single runner, and they weren't quite a wheelchair competitor. For a few years Dick and Rick just joined the massive field and ran anyway, then they found a way to get into the race officially: In 1983 they ran another marathon so fast they made the qualifying time for Boston the following year.
Then somebody said, ``Hey, Dick, why not a triathlon?'' How's a guy who never learned to swim and hadn't ridden a bike since he was six going to haul his 110-pound kid through a triathlon? Still, Dick tried. Now they've done 212 triathlons, including four grueling 15-hour Ironmans in Hawaii. It must be a buzzkill to be a 25-year-o! ld stud getting passed by an old guy towing a grown man in a dinghy, don't you think?
Hey, Dick, why not see how you'd do on your own? ``No way,'' he says. Dick does it purely for ``the awesome feeling'' he gets seeing Rick with a cantaloupe smile as they run, swim and ride together.
This year, at ages 65 and 43, Dick and Rick finished their 24th Boston Marathon, in 5,083rd place out of more than 20,000 starters. Their best time? Two hours, 40 minutes in 1992--only 35 minutes off the world record, which, in case you don't keep track of these things, happens to be held by a guy who was not pushing another man in a wheelchair at the time.
``No question about it,'' Rick types. ``My dad is the Father of the Century.'' And Dick got something else out of all this too. Two years ago he had a mild heart attack during a race. Doctors found that one of his arteries was 95% clogged. ``If you hadn't been in such great shape,'' one doctor told him, ``you probably would've died 15 years ago.''
So, in a way, Dick and Rick saved each other's life.
Rick, who has his own apartment (he gets home care) and works in Boston, and Dick, retired from the military and living in Holland, Mass., always find ways to be together. They give speeches around the country and compete in some backbreaking race every weekend, including this Father's Day.
That night, Rick will buy his dad dinner, but the thing he really wants to give him is a gift he can never buy. ``The thing I'd most like,'' Rick types, ``is that my dad sit in the chair and I push him once.''
Howdy! I just have to tell you that this is my favorite new show on TV. If you have not watched it you should!! It is very addictive and I can't wait till Monday's now!! Thanks NBC!!!
Well the Cardinals have won Game 2 as well as Game 4 to move on to the NLCS to play against the NY Mets. I am crossing my fingers and hoping that they can win in NY at least one game and come home to Busch Stadium to win and move on to the World Series. The Cardinals have been in the NLCS the past 3 years. GO CARDS!!!
WOW. What a game the guys play yesterday in San Diego. I didn't get to watch the game on ESPN but I did listen to it on KTRS here in St Louis and they announcers did a great job of making me feel like I was there. Albert you are the man!! And Ronnie what a play you made the annoucers went NUTS when you got that ground ball with the bases loaded and go us out of the jam!
GO CARDS!!! Looking forward to game 2 of the playoffs
Well thank you John Smoltz of the Atlanta Braves for pitching a GREAT game against the Houston ASTROS. I am so glad I don't have to hear that annoying bee sound that they play when Berkman, Biggio, and whoever else has a B in there name. I thank you again Braves for taking care of business and putting away the Astros... GO CARDS!!!!
I am going to blog about something that I have had on my mind for a long...long...long time..... I want to say THANK YOU so much to the Partiot Guards. They show up and stand between the EVIL Rev Phelps and the funeral so that the grieving family do not have to look at there hateful and disrespectful signs they hold up at funerals. The Phelpses are allowed to "protest" unimpeded. This is not about free speech but attempting to incite a riot. They picket funerals with the full knowledge that those involved are subject to emotional stress. They desecrate the flag not to demonstrate a point but to evoke rage. Their words and actions, and the need of the police to keep order, make it clear they are only promoting violence. I think that to use the outlet of any family who has lost a son or a daughter, a brother, a sister, a mom or dad as a focal point to gain exposure for their opinions is not only irresponsible but disrespectful not only to the family but to the US. The Westboro Baptist Church will picket because they believe God disapproves of America's stance on homosexuality. They say God is killing American soldiers on purpose and even goes as far as saying 'Thank God for IEDs.' I mean come on people if you are that ignorant and stupid then you need to back to school. I belive in free speech and the right to picket and all that but there is a time and place for EVERYTHING!! So I say to you Rev Phelps...GOD WILL JUDGE YOU!!
Howdy! I know it has been a while since I have blogged but I have been busy with work and softball. So let's see what I can vent about today....I recently had a UPPP procedure done as you have seen in my blog and I was told that they got pre-approval from the insurance company and that it was all taken care of. Well a few days Ago I got a bill from the hospital for the UPPP procedure and I fell over when I seen how much they wanted to charge me for it. Well I ended up calling my insurance company and spoke with a nice girl and she wanted all my info so she could verify who I was. Well after all that went down and she finally knew what it was me she was speaking with she looked up the recent claims for me. Come to find out the hospital didn't have pre-authorization from the insurance company and of course they didn't tell me this prior to my surgery. So that means I guess I am responsible for it. Oh but wait the girl on the phone tells me that they tried to bill the insurance company several times for it and they keep declining it and that I am not in any way responsible for the bill. WOO HOO!!
Well call the newspaper people I have joined a summer softball league here in St Louis. We had our first game this past Sunday and let me say that we got our butts handed to us from the other team. We lost 23-3. Then I go home and relax and the next day I was SO SORE from playing the catcher the whole game that I could barely walk. I need to invest in a hot tub I guess!!! So we have practice tonight and I hope that it is better then the game we played on Sunday. Oh and by the way we play a double header this Sunday. WOO HOO!! Anyone wanna sell me a hot tub???
Okay so the same looser that hated drug users and dealers that got busted himself already once is back on the main page. Rush I am sorry that you have ED (erectile dysfunction) and that you need Viagra to get that poor limp noodle of yours up. But I am not sorry that you got busted AGAIN for having precription drugs that do not belong to you! You RIGHT WING REPUBLICANS are all hipocrits when it comes to yourselfs and the law and you feel everyone else should have to follow the laws but you can do what you want because your a radio host. So Rush I ask you now do you want to share a cell with BIG BUBBA or do you think that maybe next time you will have learned your lesson?? Well to you I say GOOD DAY MR LIMBAUGH...GOOD DAY!!
Okay for once I have to totally agrees with someone who is a republican and from the great show me state in agreeing with what he said: John Danforth (R-Mo.) who has called this amendment one of the silliest ever proposed in our nation’s history. I can't belive that the US can put something like this on the floor to debate when we have bigger fish in the bucket. Like for one IRAN, two IRAQ, three Rebuilding the south after Katrina (Almost a year has passed). I mean come on give me a break. they are just trying to sidetrack the government from the REAL issues here. Like EXXON and MOBIL lining there pockets because they refuse to open any new refiners in the US or let alone make more fuel so that it can be more cost effective on US the consumer. GET THE BUSH OUT of the office!!! I am so tired of George W's views on politics that I could throw up! I mean come on you stupid excuse for a president and a TEXAN! My grandmother could run this country better then you can. For weeks my blood has been boiling about this issue and it is time I expressed how I really feel about our stupid ass president of the United States. I mean for years there has been illegal immigrants in the US and you are just now addressing it? Come on George we see through you!!! I think that if you are a AMERICAN and you are tired of all the Politcal BS that is going on that you right to the President and to your local House and Senate. I know I have and will continue to do so till my voice is heard!
Iran won't abandon its nuclear ambitions under Western pressure, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said Friday.
"Certain parties that have stockpiles full of nuclear arms want to deprive us of our absolute rights," Ahmadinejad said at the Organization of the Islamic Conference in Tehran, according to a report by the official Islamic Republic News Agency.
"Pressures to make us give up our rights will be (in) vain," he said.
"If acquiring nuclear energy is not good, no country should benefit from it," he said.
Ahmadinejad's comments came less than 24 hours after six world powers meeting in Vienna agreed to "substantive" incentives in an attempt to coax Iran to abandon its uranium enrichment. He did not specifically mention the meeting in his comments Friday.
The six powers, the five veto-wielding members of the U.N. Security Council, along with Germany, agreed on a "set of far-reaching proposals" on Thursday.
While details will be kept secret until Iran has seen them, British Foreign Secretary Margaret Beckett said the suggestions will form the foundation for resuming talks with Iran.
Mohammad Saeedi, the deputy head of Iran's nuclear program, was quoted in an Associated Press report Friday as ruling out the U.S. conditions.
"Tehran is determined to conclude its peaceful nuclear program," he said, according to a report by Iran's ISNA news agency referenced by AP. "The Iranian people will not allow us to suspend enrichment.
"The conditions set by the U.S. for joining talks with Iran were a big insult to the Iranian nation," he said. "Accepting the U.S. conditions is almost impossible."
Well this seems very interesting to me. Now that all the Mexicans intends on calling in on Monday May 1st someone is trying to lessen the pain by doing this. I have heard the song and it is a pretty song but isn't this AMERICA??? This is OUR land. Do we not speak ENGLISH Here? For a while now I have been watching the news about all the illegal immigrants to the US and have held back on blogging about it. But now that I have seen this I feel in my heart as a American I must write my true feelings on the situation. I can say that I am for letting people come to the United States of America, but what I want is for them to do it LEGALLY!!! Yes we do have a situation here in the US where immigrants have come in and taken all of the low paying jobs but you know what I have to say that if they can do it why not make the people that are on welfare with 20 kids do it. No don't get me wrong I am not going get all racial on ya but listen to what I am saying. We have ALOT of people on welfare and more get on it everyday and think that WE as Americans should take care of them. Well I say NO! NO! NO! NO! If you were born here and you are able to work then by GOD you should use the 2 hands that god gave you and work. Don't make it so that someone has to take care of you. Stand up and do something. Yes we all start out with the minimum wage and we all have to work our way up the ladder of success. Take me for instance. I have worked since I was 16 years old. The day I turned 16 my step mother made me get my ass out and get a job so that I can earn a living. I worked in Fast Food for a long time. Then I went into factory work and even some customer service jobs and finally found out that I can work on computers. I knew hardly anything about computers. I got on with a company and they trained me in all I needed to know about working on them and how to repair them. I really enjoy my job and I like coming to work and helping others. But for us to sit back and say well I am too good to do this job or that job is a total outrage to me. I mean really I have done everything from all cow manure to work on million dollar computer systems so don't say that it can't be done. Also I praise companies like Mc Donald's, Arby's, Taco Bell to name a few who take in people with special needs and give them a job and if they can do it ANYONE can do it. So I say NO to the Spanish version of our Countries Star-Spangled Banner. You came here and you live here now so speak our language or GO BACK WHERE YOU CAME FROM!!!!
Okay so what the hell is up with people that drive like 30 mph in the damn fast lane on a freeway? I mean really come on now do you really have to be in the far left lane to drive on the freeway? Oh and 18 wheelers do the same damn thing. I am like get the hell OFF the road! I think that in major cities between the hours of 7am to 9am and 4pm to 6pm that 18 wheelers should not be allowed to be on the road. I have seen so many crashes involving them that it is like WTF are people thinking? You know what is worse is that I have seen 18 wheelers driving and talking on there cell phones. First off I know that we are all a digital community but really if that call is that important please pull off the road or get a hands free or something I mean come on!!!! I think that most people in the US have Road Rage or some varient there of. I know that when I drive behind someone and they are on there damn cell phone in the fast lane and doing 40mph that really gets my blood pumping. Then when they finally move over they give you the bird like your are the bad person. PLEASE! Well I guess I will shut up for now.
Well the surgery went off without a hitch. I went in Friday morning at 9:15am and they tried to take my blood. Poor girl I thought she was gonna faint from sticking my arms so man times. I was then asked to change into a gown. Oh and by the way if any of you that read this work for a hospital. Can we get something a little less revealing?? I was then asked to lay on a bed and I was asked 20 million questions and someone listened to me breath and someone was trying to get the IV started. Oh yeah that poor nurse. Oh I think I got it oh wait no it's not in...Oh wait yeah there it is. Then finally it came time for me to wait on the surgeon. And wait...and wait..Finally an hour later he finally shows up and they take me down this long hall and into a operating room. This is where I get myself on a surgery table and then they gas me and the next thing I remember I was waking up in the recovery room and my throat was sore as could be. So they took my tonsils out and then reconstructed my Uvulo and palate of my mouth. Unlike my friend Brian's surgery I had to stay overnight to make sure there was no bleeding or that I wasn't going to die. They nurses when I first got to my room was very nice and they were all attentive and asking me if I would like some pain medicine. Then they put these braces on my legs that filled with arm and then let out. It is so you don't get blood clots in your legs or anything and die. Well after all that I went back to sleep and slept most of the afternoon and evening. I remember waking up a couple times to see my partner Tom sitting there by my bedside. I was in and out of it and really just kinda sleeping it off. Well later that night of course you get woke up every damn hour on the hour to take your blood pressure and temperature. God why can't hosptials just leave you alone once you went to sleep? I do remember waking up at 4:15am and feeling that I needed some more pain medicine and called the nurse and asked her to bring me some. But she never showed up. I laid there and finally just went back to sleep. I woke up at 6:30am to the smell of eggs and cream of wheat that was on my tray and I was thinking to myself these people are HIGH if they think I am gonna be eatting anything soon. I took a few bites of egg and it was hard to swallow but I got some down along with a little cream of wheat. Then I remember my doctors med student coming in the room and talking to me for a few mins and then she left. I also remember asking for something for pain again at that time and not getting it. Finally around 8am 2 nurses came into my room to get me ready to go home and she asked if I was in pain and I said yes so she went and got me some morphine and tylenol with codine. WOO HOO was I loopy after that. They finally took my IV out and wheeled me down to the doors and I was out of there. The weekend was pretty rough and it was hard to swallow anything all weekend because it just hurt too damn bad. So today is 4 days after the surgery and the roof of my mouth feels so weird and I can feel the stiches in my mouth. I am not suppose to be talking so when I go to work I just sit here like a bump on a log and chat online and surf the web. Oh and let me just say that Tylenol with condine is my best friend right now! :-) Well I will let you all go for now and I am gonna try to get back to work or at least try like I am! YEE HAW! Steak and eggs in no time!!!!
Well now that I can finally sit up at the desk and type I thought I would let you know that I am home and recovering from my surgery. I was hoping for a little less pain but hey what do you expect when they cut your tonsils out and have your palate on the top of your mouth. Well I am sitting here at work today I know I should be at home but what the heck I figure I can some sit at my desk all day and get paid for it or stay home and do nothing all day and be bored. I have to say that Dr Sunwoo did a good job on me so far as I can tell. I can breath easier and it is hard for me to talk right now so i just mumble and type evertyhing. Well I am hoping that I can recover from this pretty quick. Hope you had a great weekend and I will let you know more about me later on.
I am so nervous about having this surgery done on me since I have never had any surgery done on me before. You know I have seen medical shows where they have done surgery and all of that. But the thing is what if....What if something goes wrong..What if I wake up and can't talk the rest of my life. You know just wild thoughts like that. I know I am being a big baby about it but hey who cares. When it comes to pain and needles you can count me OUT! So the next couple of days you will probably see more post here on my blog I have in the past because I will be at home in bed and bored out fo my mind!!
I am not one to complain about my government or anyting but after reading my friend Brian's Blog it got my blood pressure pumping about alot of things that we as AMERICANS have been put through. Here is what he had to say in his blog:
"To my Republican friends... Forget what you see on TV. This president must be impeached.
We have been LIED to. Leaks that he authorized... fake investigations... secret illegal wiretaps against Americans... torture and imprisonment without cause or charge... the needless deaths of hundreds of thousands both here and abroad... a horrific war that HE chose against an unarmed people that had NOTHING to do with 9/11. He in unconcerned with American lives. He doesn't care who dies.
We want the kids home and safe. Then we want a 2006 election that will give us freakin' subpoena power, and the right to hold hearings. I mean, we can't even hold an oversight hearing. This guy is unchecked. So everything he does is on the sly, because there's no one to check his power, except the members of his own party who are little loyalist lapdogs.
Remember after Sept. 11, the whole world said, "We are all Americans now"? OK. For the next six months, WE ARE ALL DEMOCRATS NOW.
Like it or not, if you love the Constitution, and you think that it was a really smart way to set up a government, and you think that a republic is something valuable and really worth holding on to, you've got to just forget the partisanship, just like we did after 9/11, and say to yourselves, "We are all Democrats now," because we are literally voting to save the Republic. Back then, we were all united, without parties, to protect our country and what it stands for.
Listen, I know the humiliation of having your president impeached. I understand it. Of course, it was frivolous and political, what they did to him, and he was adjudicated 'not guilty' in the Senate (which everybody loves to leave out)... however, I lived through 1998. It's time for you to live through 2006. I've been through it. I'll help you."
The whole thing that got to me in a big way. I use to live in Texas. I love texas ALOT and really wanna move back there but somewhere else might be better. But now after all the alligations of wire taps and spying on everyone the question becomes....Are we safe at all????
Well the St Louis Cardinals are off to another great year here at the new Busch Stadium in the gateway to the west. I really wish we could have one at least one game against the Chicago Cubbies. But hey that is what we have another 70 games for. Well I did go to the new stadium this past Saturday for the tour and it was VERY COOL! I can't wait to go to my first game there. Speaking of which I do have some tickets that I just got this past week for this Sunday (Easter). I will have to let you know how I like the view from my seats and what not to miss while at the ballpark. I hope that everyone is doing good and check back soon!