5. Tom & Katie Cruise - He jumped on a couch, She had a baby, and he is no longer with Universal Pictures. Does anyone REALLY care?? I mean come on Tom. Your 15 mins of fame is up. And Katie hun you SUCK!! But I won't tell anyone.
4. Madonna - I mean yeah we know that you are rich and you can buy anything in the world. But a CHILD? Girl all I can say is you go with your bad self!!!
3. Paris Hilton - She is blond, dumb, and a total idiot but yet the press flock to her because she is a celebrity. Paris actually takes herself seriously and "embraces her stupidity". So I guess her stupidity was getting in a car and driving drunk and getting busted for it. Oh and then before that how about ya make a sex video and then release it. Way to go PARIS!!
2. OJ Simpson - I mean come on man. You killed your wife and now you want to produce a book and a TV special on "If you did it this is how it would be done?" You are a VERY VERY SICK individual and how dare you try to make money when you owe the Brown's 38 MILLION on a judgment. Maybe you should start selling some OJ to make up for it.
1. The Westboro Baptist Church. These SICK individuals will do anything for media attention. I think they are the BIGGEST ATTENTION WHORES of all. I think that they would sell one of there on children just to have a camera in there face so they can show there signs "GOD HATES FAGS", "GOD HATES AMERICA", "THANK GOD FOR IED'S", and my least favorite of all "THANK GOD FOR DEAD SOLDIERS". Bitch all I got to say is if you hate AMERICA so much that you walk on the US Flag and have to carry signs around to get attention then you are the SICKEST, DUMBEST, and STUPIDEST Media WHORES of all!!! OH and one question for the WEIRDO's....instead of love crusades why don't you really call it what is is. HATE CRUSADES!
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