Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Why we as americans put up with all the Policital BS

I am not one to complain about my government or anyting but after reading my friend Brian's Blog it got my blood pressure pumping about alot of things that we as AMERICANS have been put through. Here is what he had to say in his blog:

"To my Republican friends...
Forget what you see on TV. This president must be impeached.

We have been LIED to. Leaks that he authorized... fake investigations... secret illegal wiretaps against Americans... torture and imprisonment without cause or charge... the needless deaths of hundreds of thousands both here and abroad... a horrific war that HE chose against an unarmed people that had NOTHING to do with 9/11. He in unconcerned with American lives. He doesn't care who dies.

We want the kids home and safe. Then we want a 2006 election that will give us freakin' subpoena power, and the right to hold hearings. I mean, we can't even hold an oversight hearing. This guy is unchecked. So everything he does is on the sly, because there's no one to check his power, except the members of his own party who are little loyalist lapdogs.

Remember after Sept. 11, the whole world said, "We are all Americans now"? OK. For the next six months, WE ARE ALL DEMOCRATS NOW.

Like it or not, if you love the Constitution, and you think that it was a really smart way to set up a government, and you think that a republic is something valuable and really worth holding on to, you've got to just forget the partisanship, just like we did after 9/11, and say to yourselves, "We are all Democrats now," because we are literally voting to save the Republic. Back then, we were all united, without parties, to protect our country and what it stands for.

Listen, I know the humiliation of having your president impeached. I understand it. Of course, it was frivolous and political, what they did to him, and he was adjudicated 'not guilty' in the Senate (which everybody loves to leave out)... however, I lived through 1998. It's time for you to live through 2006. I've been through it. I'll help you."

The whole thing that got to me in a big way. I use to live in Texas. I love texas ALOT and really wanna move back there but somewhere else might be better.
But now after all the alligations of wire taps and spying on everyone the question becomes....Are we safe at all????

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