You know when I started this blog I never thought that I would make it about who I am or what I do behind closed doors. But after hearing about Isaiah Washington and his whole blunder on national TV about the "F" word I have realigned this blog for not only how I feel about issues in the world but more about WHO I AM. So here goes and I know that some people from my work reads this blog and if you don't know by reading the past few post I am a gay man. I know shocking huh. But I want you to know I am still the same person I was before you found out about my personal life.
I have been talking with some people and have decided to write a book. How long it will take me depends on how long it takes me to remember most of the things in my past. I want to share a story with you right now about my past and you tell me what you think about it. Was I right in telling them I am PISSED OFF and that I am not doing to take it anymore??
Let me begin by saying that my main reason to go to work is just that. WORK.
It all happened on a brisk sunny Friday afternoon in Dallas, TX.
It was like any other time that I had been in the corporate offices of my job chatting with the person who dispatches the calls to me. Until I was told that I was outed. I was like WHAT? I was livid and my Irish temper went off like a rocket. I was so pissed. I wanted to know who and how they had found out about me. One of the other dispatchers in the office is the one that told me. She said she was told that one of my co workers who had been to my house noticed my AOL screen name on my computer while picking up some parts for a service call. He then took it upon himself to go back and tell everyone in the office that I was indeed a homosexual. I was furious. I was told that it had even been brought up to my boss that he had a "QUEER" working for him. I was in shock. I didn't know what to say or do. I just stood there for what seemed like a lifetime. Then I went over to my bosses office and he wasn't there. I was so pissed I was in tears. I barked at his secretary asking where he was and that I needed to talk to him RIGHT NOW!!! She told me that he was out of the office for a meeting. I told her to tell my boss I may or may not be in the office on Monday and that if he had any questions as to why that he needed to phone me. I then proceeded to the door where I opened it and then slammed it and all the district awards fell off the wall and crashed onto the floor. My Irish temper had taken over. I got into my truck and squealed my tires out of the parking lot and onto the road. I was driving like a mad man. I then pulled over to the side of the road where I took a few deep breaths. Then my cell phone rang. It was Director of HR and he wanted to know why I was so pissed when I left the office. I told him the story and he told me that it was unfortunate that this happened and that he was sorry. SORRY? Is that all I get sorry? I then informed him that he could talk to my lawyer because I was done with him. I hung up my cell phone and there went my Irish temper again! I was so pissed my mind was racing. Do I call my lawyer and tell him that I was just harassed at work and that I felt that my personal safety was going to be a issue. Then the HR Director calls me back and tell me that I don't have to come in to work on Monday or Tuesday and that I need to calm down and call him back later to discuss the issue.
I think there is enough hate in the world already for us and that we do not need to help out others agenda's. I mean really. Think about this. Why is it that we as homosexuals are stereotypical of each other. Why do we as a community have to down each other and not get along. We should be working TOGETHER to help the agenda of OUR COMMUNITY not the agenda to help out one group or another. But we need to stand tall and tell the world that we are here and that we are going to work together to make sure that there will be not prejudice against anyone that is Gay, Lesbian, Bi, and Transgender (G.L.B.T. COMMUNITY).
So I issue this challenge to you all. Let's stand together as one not as a individual or as separate groups. But as ONE GLBT COMMUNITY!!! To prove that we can work together and that we want equal rights like every other person that is out there in the world. We are people that believe there is enough hate in the world for everyone. I think and know that we can do this. So care to take me up on my challenge??
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