Well this seems very interesting to me. Now that all the Mexicans intends on calling in on Monday May 1st someone is trying to lessen the pain by doing this. I have heard the song and it is a pretty song but isn't this AMERICA??? This is OUR land. Do we not speak ENGLISH Here? For a while now I have been watching the news about all the illegal immigrants to the US and have held back on blogging about it. But now that I have seen this I feel in my heart as a American I must write my true feelings on the situation. I can say that I am for letting people come to the United States of America, but what I want is for them to do it LEGALLY!!! Yes we do have a situation here in the US where immigrants have come in and taken all of the low paying jobs but you know what I have to say that if they can do it why not make the people that are on welfare with 20 kids do it. No don't get me wrong I am not going get all racial on ya but listen to what I am saying. We have ALOT of people on welfare and more get on it everyday and think that WE as Americans should take care of them. Well I say NO! NO! NO! NO! If you were born here and you are able to work then by GOD you should use the 2 hands that god gave you and work. Don't make it so that someone has to take care of you. Stand up and do something. Yes we all start out with the minimum wage and we all have to work our way up the ladder of success. Take me for instance. I have worked since I was 16 years old. The day I turned 16 my step mother made me get my ass out and get a job so that I can earn a living. I worked in Fast Food for a long time. Then I went into factory work and even some customer service jobs and finally found out that I can work on computers. I knew hardly anything about computers. I got on with a company and they trained me in all I needed to know about working on them and how to repair them. I really enjoy my job and I like coming to work and helping others. But for us to sit back and say well I am too good to do this job or that job is a total outrage to me. I mean really I have done everything from all cow manure to work on million dollar computer systems so don't say that it can't be done. Also I praise companies like Mc Donald's, Arby's, Taco Bell to name a few who take in people with special needs and give them a job and if they can do it ANYONE can do it. So I say NO to the Spanish version of our Countries Star-Spangled Banner. You came here and you live here now so speak our language or GO BACK WHERE YOU CAME FROM!!!!